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Comment Re:Dear Australia... (Score 2) 70

You're commenting on the case with an arrogant uninformed attitude. Other posters who have replied have basically demolished your argument. What in the world made you assume Australia has government mandated import barriers towards overseas IT products? Its the exact opposite: market collusion amongst the big players to extract monopoly rents. Or are you suggesting Australia, er, goes 'commie' and starts regulating the, er, 'free' market? ROFL

Please in future do at least a modicum of research before getting on your soapbox. GET A BRAIN MORANS GO USA

Comment Wrong brand, no bribes (Score 1) 435

So the moral of the story is:

1.) MS as a brand stinks in the consumer space (xbox is not enough, and only cool with male gaming demographic anyway). Who in their right mind attaches the windows name to their reborn phone OS.
2.) Salesmen are driven by commissions.... in other news, bear sh-ts in woods. So why not put away some bribe money, since everyone else is doing it.

Ironic that MS is for once offering a technically good product that is failing due to non technical matters, they're more used to being in the opposite situation

Comment Re:Amazon did it (Score 2) 338


I will never, ever understand why so many tech geeks will devote hours and hours to understanding the most trivial or obscure points of technical detail, but fail to do the most basic research when pronouncing opinions on business matters.

As a geek who is also addicted to gambling on stocks, I applaud you sir

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
