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Comment Re:Moving next to an airport, right? (Score 1) 263

And proper retaliaiton for military air base noise after you've bought your house directly underneath the air traffic pattern (this is a big thing near where I live) is to demand your sales agent/broker, seller, builder, all make you whole and solve your problem - no doubt by relocating you.

Thsi is such a big deal near where I live that now, if you are in the real estate sales business, even if you are not actually at work, but are in that city, even just visiting, you must carry an 8.5"x11" full color map of the air base, surrounding area, and the boundaries of noise level and potentially offfending aircraft operations. To be found without it will cause a $500 fine. Every time you are found such, even if you are merely having lunch with your daughter. Yeah, they aggressively enforce this. Retaliation.

And on nearly the opposite side of the valley, when GM sold off its proving grounds, the space was immediately touted as a unique opportunity for a new and massive residential development. And right in the traffic pattern of a nearby airport. The city zoned it specifically to prevent residential development without exception. And yes, several developers have made concerted efforts to change this. So far, no success, and hopefully they avoid this mistake. Avoiding retaliation.

Comment no office perk beats long commutes (Score 2) 149

It really came down to that. You can make the perks be as nice as you want, but if I lose a hours a day just sitting in my car to get there, that's an hour I could be doing anything else...including my work for the company.

A consistently bad commute kills morale and reduces productivity. After a year at home, most tech and creatives realized that. While the initial loneliness was depressing, too, it was more easily adapted to as zoom and slack picked up, as well as doing remote work at public wifi spots like restaurants, coffeeshops, etc.

Comment Interoperability! (Score 1, Interesting) 33

Apple's market dominance in the U.S. means that people with Android phones face significant headwinds. Being the only Android user in a group chat is its own special Hell. That lack of interoperability works against Apple in places where Android phones are more established. It is hard to convince people that your phone is so much better than theirs when every time you put a picture in a group chat it looks like you took the picture on a flip phone from 1995. Everyone else's pictures look fine. In these cases Apple is clearly the problem, and it is a bad look for Apple.

That doesn't stop iPhones from being a status symbol, and there are certain parts of the population, where all of the rich and powerful people have iPhones, where being part of the crowd is worth the price of entry. However, in a country where 90+% of the population is using Android you have to be pretty darn snooty to justify buying an iPhone. I suspect that is a very hard market to sell into.

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