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Submission + - Hatred for PHP -- in the case of Ruby's Matz (

An anonymous reader writes: I know you believe in the Programmer Hierachy, right? Here's one real world example. Matz, the author of Ruby, posted a blog entry about a bad design of PHP. It began in another guy's blog entry... That guy found out that there is a strange behavior in PHP's round function, and he guessed why it happened in very funny way. Then Matz took it seriously and he said... "Well, this is totally impossible design of programming language, but can PHP user trust the language with such a bad sense of it?? I fee very sad."

I hear a lot of the word of "Love" in Ruby community recently. Isn't it a nice way to love your neighbor huh?

eg: Here's Google Translation of Matz's blog. the diary of hnw — the strange round function of PHP on Matz's blog on May 27, 2007


Submission + - The Straight Dope on Colony Collapse Disorder

friedo writes: "Slashdot has been covering the bizarre story of Colony Collapse Disorder — the mysterious disappearance of agricultural beehives all over North America. Now the Straight Dope has weighed in with the unsurprising conclusion that much of the panic is no more than simple media hype. "[T]there's no reason at this point to think European honey bees are going to be wiped out, now or ever. The die-offs so far appear to affect some beekeepers more than others, sometimes in the same area. That's one reason scientists are so puzzled, but it strongly suggests the losses may have something to do with how individual beekeepers are managing their bees. The "significant percentage" of failing hives is still a drop in the bucket when viewed against the global population of honey bees, and there are lots of beekeepers (even in the U.S., which appears hardest hit) who have not had, and may never have, significant losses of colonies. Plenty of honey bees remain to replace the ones that have died."

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
