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Comment Re:Tag article WHOCARES (Score 1) 77

I think you're missing the point. The OP doesn't care about this subject in particular, he cares about slashdot not sucking more than necessary.

Perhaps he should take a more constructive approach then, like suggesting that Slashdot implement some sort of filtering system. You know, a way to select if he wants to see "Idle" stories, or even if he wants full summaries of a section or just the headline. I know, it's crazy talk, but it just might be crazy enough to work!

Or maybe he thinks the world actually cares that he doesn't like Idle articles and so feels the need to post about it. Which is kind of funny, considering his complaint.

Comment Re:Today's reality (Score 0, Troll) 172

Here's what you sound like: "I'm rich and it's not fair that poor people have homeless shelters and food banks! Nobody gives me a cot or a bowl of soup! It's a double-standard, and it's very slanted! *sobs*"

We actually do have "White Spirit" Clubs: you can see them in the US as "Scottish-American Club", "Polish-American Club", "Italian-Amerian Club", etc. and they have been in existence a helluva lot longer than the NAACP. Do you cry when someone of a different (white) ethnic background has a club and you don't? Or do you only whine about non-white ethnic clubs?

We already have White Entertainment Television. It's called "the vast majority of TV shows ever made".

We already have the National Association for the Advancement of White People. It's called "the status quo".

How dare they want to see people they can identify with on TV! How dare they band together within an organization to crack through the status quo! How dare they! I'm sure it's very stressful for you, having to deal with those uppity minorities threatening your default privilege. Would you like me to call you a Waaaaaambulance?

Comment Re:iPad satisfaction... (Score 1) 443

One woman was quoted as saying that the iPad fits in her purse, is discreet, and remarkably absorbent. It did drop out a few times, but she found out she was holding it wrong.

I know, right? The iPad is so much better than the ThinkPad, which is way too bulky and tends to fail at the most embarrassing times!

Comment Re:Simpler solution... (Score 1) 369

Grownups aren't paid for their time; they're paid for their results. I'm sorry to hear that you still work at McDonald's.

You've never worked an office job, have you? You are never done. There is always some new task your boss has for you. And trust me, even if you've completed every essential task for the day, they can come up with a lot of really pointless tasks that, to them, are vitally important to the company.

Back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth (before widespread internet usage), somehow we grownups managed a whole work day without having to chat with our friends or watching "greatest hits to the groin" videos. You know, we actually worked the hours we were paid to work! *gasp!* It's a wonder we ever survived! But I guess it's because we weren't saddled with the overblown sense of entitlement and self-importance that seems so rampant these days.

And get off my lawn!

Comment Re:Like,,,,EVERYDAY (Score 1) 446

Are those dishwasher safe? These are little kids. I would have to buy a new Bamboo every few months due to jelly and snot build-up.

The tablets themselves are pretty tough and easy to clean. Yes, I have actually had to scrub jelly off a Wacom tablet!

The pens are more fragile, so you'll need to supervise their use until the kids are past the 'chew on everything' phase. If they get moisture inside (from being stuck into a mouth or a cup of water/juice) they may stop working. If it's just water or saliva (non-sugary), a quick bake in the oven on a towel at a very low temp (keep an eye on it and keep checking it every few minutes) may be able to revive it. Guess how I know this. ;-)

Comment Re:The Internet is less free... in Brazil. (Score 1) 484

My issue is that "haha you are less free" is not a criticism, just a way for him to feel better about his own country.

I find it hilarious that in a discussion where you are defending Brazil's libel laws, you state that another poster's "Yay America" comment is "just a way for him to feel better about his own country", making an unsupported, and quite possibly false (I don't think it's the OP who has the inferiority complex around here...), statement about his character and intentions.

Oh my goodness, isn't' that libel? Lucky for you Slashdot is hosted in the United States of "Fuck Yeah America!" rather than Brazil!

Comment Re:Sounds fair (Score 1) 582

Sounds great to me. I'd extend it to blood donors, with quantity donated moving you further up.

Well, except that blood transfusion tends to be a bit more immediate than getting a new organ. Can you imagine getting admitted to the ER, with major blood loss after a car accident, and the nurses having to take the time to look up how many pints you've donated before they'll give you a transfusion and take you into surgery? (What if you are in another city or state? Will this info be available immediately to every hospital) And then they have to do a comparison to everyone else in the area served by the local blood supply to make sure nobody (in this ER or in any other local hospital) has donated more than you before they give you the blood? All the while, the patient is pumping blood all over the ER floor from his injuries while his exact spot in the 'blood transfusion priority list' is determined. Yeah, that's just bloody brilliant! You should be a hospital administrator!

It's not the same situation with blood. There is a finite number of organs that can be donated (you can only donate one liver), whereas blood is a renewable resource. Which is why people in need of organs end up on waiting lists. We should not need 'waiting lists' or 'priority lists' for blood transfusions, since people can give blood repeatedly (regular donors make up for some people being unable to donate) and blood can be stored.

Comment Re:why are people so emotional about this? (Score 3, Insightful) 619

A driver's license is proof you had training in operating a potentially dangerous piece of machinery around others. Which is why they have ticky boxes for things like "chauffeur" and "commercial" on it. You know, because it's about driving. I agree, it shouldn't be used for anything other than employment as a driver, traffic violations, and insurance purposes! In fact, it's a perfect example of how the "oh, this card will only be used for X" is so easily corrupted!

Want to know what hysteria is? It's the "OMG TEH MEXICANS ARE STEALIN' MAH JOB!". Nevermind that these 'patriot' xenophobes tend to be the same group that practically worship symbols like the Statue of Liberty, but don't even bother to learn the inscription she carries (I'll give you a hint: "Give me your tired, your poor...") Instead of radio-collaring everyone, why don't we concentrate on fixing the broken immigration system that keeps legal applicants in limbo for years, pushing some to come here illegally instead. Oh wait, that's going to take a lot of effort and won't appease the xenophobes, so let's just put a shiny band-aid on it to get re-elected. (And with all the immigration hysteria, the fools won't even notice that we've chipped away a little more of their freedom!)

Comment Re:Then you don't follow much animation. (Score 1) 870

3D tech aside, the rendering in Avatar has raised the bar for animation to unprecedented heights.

Because of this work, the technology is very close now to being able to convincingly simulate humans.

I already saw that movie. It came out in 2001 and was called Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. And after the "OOOH SHINY!" wore off, we're left with a dull movie that I really don't care if I ever see again. That is the movie I think of when I see a lot of reviews that rave about the "cutting edge animation" of Avatar, then forgive the ho-hum story. When Avatar's CGI has been surpassed in a decade, will we still want to watch it?

If you are honestly comparing the sophistication of the animation and rendering in Avatar to that of The Smurfs then you really just need to be quiet because clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

And you missed the point. Cutting edge CGI does not a movie make. If it's just Dances with Smurfs in 3D!!!!, where will the film be when its CGI is no longer dazzling you because something newer and shinier has come along? Is the story good enough to be enjoyable long after the CGI has become commonplace and "old tech"?

Look at Pixar, filmmakers who know how to incorporate the shiny new things with solid stories and memorable characters. Toy Story was cutting edge animation when it came out, but has since been far surpassed by the other Pixar films in the CGI department. An Animation 101 student can render CGI at Toy Story's level nowadays. However, the reason I still watch Toy Story is that it didn't depend on the "OOOH SHINY!", it has a solid story and wonderful characters that still makes it enjoyable a decade after its "cutting edge" animation has lost its shine.

Having whizz-bang "cutting edge" effects does not give a free pass to have a lame story.

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