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Comment Re:Support Palestinians! (Score 1) 511

Maybe you're just clueless about this, but Hamas launches rocket attacks on Israel using civilians as human shields, and Israel launches a rocket to take out the rocket launcher, which also has the unfortunate consequence of killing some Palestinians being used by Hamas as human shields. So, you seem to think Israel should just continue letting Hamas launch rockets at them? Because that's what's going on here. So Israel knocks out the rocket launcher and some civilians get killed, and then Hamas cries crocodile tears over the civilians they forced into using as human shields? Do you see now how this has been working? Hamas has somehow convinced naive people around the world that Israel is wrong for defending itself against rocket attacks.

Comment Re:These protests make a difference (Score 1) 511

You assume the arms being shipped are to kill Palestinians. But as we've seen, much of the arms we ship to Israel protected them from rockets from Iran. If Iran keeps firing rockets and they kill a lot of Israelis, then we have a wild escalation in the middle east, possibly with nukes involved. So sending Israel anti-rocket weapons is actually a good thing, and will save lives. But of course people supporting Hamas terrorist rhetoric are going to ignore all that and just shit on Biden anyway because the situation is too complex for them to really understand.

Comment Re:Hamas Fanboys (Score 1) 511

This is called "the fog of war" and it has happened in every war that ever happened. People in a warzone are not safe, that shouldn't really be up for debate, and it should be an accepted fact. If someone goes into a war zone, even if they are an aid worker, they are risking their life and they very may well die from a variety of mishaps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

Comment Re:So this is one of the things that confuses peop (Score 1) 146

Your entire comment is nonsense. Go fuck off to Gaza, you terrorist supporting asshole.

> Russia's economy is growing faster

The price of the ruble says otherwise. It's far lower now than when they started the war in Ukraine, and it also went lower after they annexed Crimea. Russia is sliding. But if you think it's so great, I suggest you go move there. Oh wait, you probably already do. Your comments are 100% Russian propaganda bullshit.

Comment Re:So this is one of the things that confuses peop (Score 1) 146

>This issue goes away the minute he is re-elected.

Bullshit. You don't know that, you're using your shitty feels to come up with that nonsense.

> That jackass voted with Republicans to remove student loans from bankrupcy court.

Maybe you don't realize that people have the capacity to change, and Biden has changed for the better on very many issues. But since you've always been a shithead, I guess you think other people can't change either?

>If he really cared about student loans, he wouldn't have voted that way, and he did have both chambers when he started his presidency. Don't be fooled by this wolf in sheeps clothing.

If only it were as simple as waving a magic wand. You also don't recognize that Biden isn't a king, he can't force his will on Congress, and Congress is full of obstruction. If voters had given Biden a supermajority in Congress, things would be very different, but no, voters are shitheads, just like you, and expect him to wave a magic wand since he's president and can do whatever he wants to do? You're full of shit.

Comment Re:So this is one of the things that confuses peop (Score 1) 146

>since it's given people time to reflect what the money is going for

I hope you don't think this is simply a bank transfer. No "money" is changing hands. This is about weapons, specifically weapons built in America, the factories for which employ Americans. This is the "military industrial complex" and a lot of our economy is based on it. So when Congress is signing bills to give aid to these countries, it's weapons that we're sending, not dollars.

I feel like I have to explain that because not many internet arguers could pass a class in basic civics and have no real clue what's going on. Not saying that's you, but you seemed to suggest we're sending "money".

>On the Dems, well, Pelosi was terrible

Agreed. Pelosi was the worst. She is the reason for the last few years I've been "Independent".

Most of the rest of what you wrote is all over the place, and I'm not going to go further with this. The Democrats aren't perfect, but they are a million miles better than Republicans in every way possible. The voting record proves it.

Comment Re:So this is one of the things that confuses peop (Score 1) 146

>Let's be honest here. Both the Democrats and Republicans want to RULE instead of REPRESENT.

This is nonsense, if you ever bothered to look up the voting records you would know that Democrats do represent and vote for the people, while Republicans are the ones who want to rule and have authoritarian government. But you've never looked at the voting records, that much is clear from your comment.

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