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Comment Re:Said it before, will say it again (Score 1) 59

Google has access to one of the biggest data pools, if they're not the biggest aggregators of data altogether. They also have a bunch of incredibly talented statisticians and pattern recognition systems in place.

If there is a way to detect AI generated bullshit, they have the means to do it.

Comment Re:Another one down (Score 1) 101

I meant that the wider market. Even if Apple's strategy isn't going to be profitable, a subset of Meta's efforts can be (the devices can be profitable, but they spent way too much money on certain projects that will not pan out).

Apple may make a return to the market with an amended product that fit the business case.

Comment About time (Score 2) 82

They have been illegal in most of Europe for a long time now. The worst a company can try here is to get you to pay back training costs (if training was within the last 3 years) and some try to squeeze a "pay us big bucks if you dare to quit and work somewhere else" clause in, so far nobody dared to try to take this to court (to my knowledge at least).

The adhesive contracts that are possible in the US are a joke.

Comment Re:Lack of options (Score 1) 133

I agree. Some of it, I suspect, is that I've just read so many books now that I'm in 50s that when I read a trope-driven genre novel (SF, Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller, whatever), I rapidly feel like I've read this story before. I've gotten to the same place with TV and movies. Both mediums really suffer from a lack of any kind of originality, or even attempts at quirkiness. It all just feels like Thomas Kinked-esque cookie cutter.

I've started reading a lot more non-fiction, mainly history. Ironically, there's a lot more originality there than in most of the modern fiction I read.

Comment Re:Just bought... (Score 2, Insightful) 133

I read the first Three Body Problem novel, and I thought it was crap. Some of that might have been the translation, although I've read other translations from Chinese without that much of an issue. The plotting was terrible, the characters flat. I finished it more because I kept expecting it to eventually turn around, breaking my rule that if I don't like a book in the first three chapters, I won't finish it. In the end, I couldn't imagine why I would want to read any more of it.

Comment Re: Just bought... (Score 3, Insightful) 133

Does it have the intro "Imagine Bash, but object oriented and with function call names so long they would drive a Java developer to madness. Brought to you by the author of Microsoft Bob and Clippy, psychopaths that infect your computer with their dead-eyed smiles comes Powershell."

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