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Comment The real issue (Score 2) 81

"And NaviHealth employees face discipline for deviating from the estimates, even though they often don't match prescribing physicians' recommendations or Medicare coverage rules."

This is the real issue. AI can be a useful tool, but it can't be the decider. I have no problem with companies using AI for a first pass to give a recommendation, but then a real person needs to check the results and have the ability to override it because AI is nowhere near reliable and accurate at this point. Unfortunately, companies, in the rush for profits, don't care about that. They just see it can produce results (and in this case results that will save them even more money) so they start cutting staff and relying solely on the AI. The problem with AI isn't really AI, it is companies seeing it as a profit center and just rushing into it and not caring about accuracy.

Comment At the same time (Score 1) 66

At the same time, they increased their stock dividend. So they can't afford to keep people and pay them, but they can afford to give away money to stockholders? Yes, it isn't the same amount, but if you need to cut jobs to save money, you shouldn't be giving it away to stockholders.

Comment Re:Bad implementation (Score 1) 316

This is the true reason the system is failing. There are other stores I have been to where it works great. Five Below went entirely to self scan and it is really easy because you just come up, scan your items, bag them, and then go. There isn't a bagging area that weighs every single item and stops whenever something weighs an eight of an ounce to much. And the self checkout lanes with the belts are even worse. If the belt doesn't like your item, it sometimes sends it down but them at the end alerts and someone has to come and just bypass the alert because there is no information on what actually happened. Stores are making the process so incredibly complex trying to make sure no one can ever steal anything (either on purpose or accidentally) that they make the entire process frustrating. The idea of self checkout was that it was just like a regular checkout except you scanned the stuff instead of an employee, not that there were 1000 hoops to jump through to scan each item.

Comment Re:A new era (Score 1) 36

The problem with the loser paying the winners attorneys fees is that it discourages the little guy form suing the big guy. As you said, corporations will just delay and bury the little guy. It sounds great to say "well when I win the big guy will have to pay my attorneys fees" but what if the little guy loses? Then they are stuck with their own attorney's fees, but also the exorbitant fees of the big corp as well. Even if you have an air tight case, this go wrong and you could lose. Most people are not willing to take the chance of getting stuck with millions in attorney's fees from the other side if they happen to lose the case. I have no idea what the right answer is, but just "loser pays winners fees" is definitely not it.

Comment Re: Are you talking about the 30k Gazan citizens (Score 1) 363

Not under Israeli control? LOL. So who controls the borders of Gaza and what can come in and out? That would be Israel. Who can and does go into Gaza to do what they want at any time? That would be Israel. Hamas is a government with no actual governmental power. They can't decide who can leave, much less enter. And as others have pointed out Israel (and specifically Netanyahu) have supported Hamas for years to keep Palestine split.

Comment Re:surprising (Score 1) 363

So the Likud party in Israel used the phrase "Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty", so I guess Israel is calling for genocide in your eyes? They have killed exponentially Palestinians than Palestinians have killed Israelis, so they appear to be actively acting on it. Calling for one party to be free (especially when they are being occupied) does not mean you are calling for genocide against the other side. Even Israel didn't believe this until very recently, when they saw it would benefit them to start claiming it was a call for genocide.

Comment Re:surprising (Score -1, Troll) 363

Her answer was actually correct. If you watched the line of questioning, it was clear they were looking to classify "from the river to the sea" as a call for genocide. IT isn't but the GOP doesn't care about that. So yes, the context matters. Sure, if someone says "I support genocide" that is cut and dry and no one would say otherwise. But using a slogan that has been around for years and never meant genocide until the GOP and Israel decided it does after Oct 7th should not fall under the bullying rules.

Comment Re:Are you talking about the 30k Gazan citizens (Score 0, Troll) 363

"To be clear this has nothing to do with picking either side"

If you believe that, you obviously didn't watch the line of questioning. She definitely could have handled it better, but it was clear that the GOP was trying to get her to say that "From the river to the sea" was a call for genocide and student who said it should be expelled. The whole line of questioning was a setup meant to get Gaza supports to be punished and expelled. And for the record, "from the river to the sea" is in no way a call for genocide, no matter what the GOP says.

Comment Re: Hopefully the end of Hybrid too. (Score 1) 472

It's certainly a lot better, but there are still some very large gaps, especially in the midwest. Many of the chargers listed on the supercharger map are hotels that list customers only near me if they are outside of major cities (and many of them are 1 to 2 chargers per location). And that is only for Teslas (I know others are changing chargers, which I think is terribly shortsighted to swap from an open standard to theirs, but it is what it is). I think in another 5-10 years, things will be even better. But right now, the infrastructure just isn't there yet and most people need an intermediate step.

Comment Re:Hopefully the end of Hybrid too. (Score 2) 472

You are missing an important point, that they are a very needed middle step. Hybrids (and more specifically plug in hybrids) are the way to get normal people to participate until there are enough charging stations. I line in the midwest and am single, so I have only 1 car. This means if I want to make a roadtrip, an electric vehicle is going to be tough for me because I would have to plan around charging stations, which is tough. So instead I bought a Prius Prime. It lets me run one electric for 75% of my driving (and the 2023 version with double the electric miles even more so), but also gives me the freedom to take a road trip without having to worry about anything. EVs are the perfect second car currently and plug in hybrids are the perfect first car (assuming someone can afford them). It is hard to go from ICE straight to EV until the charging infrastructure gets built out, and that is where plug in hybrids bridge the gap.

Comment How much did they make? (Score 1) 100

While it's great it is a large amount, we need to know how much profit they made from the trucks. If the fine is less than the profit they made from the trucks that were sold illegally, it is not enough. At that point, it is just a cost of doing business because if they do it and don't get caught their profits rise and if they do get caught, their profits are just somewhat lower, but still profitable. If I sell something illegal, I am going to jail and abt revenue (not profit but revenue) would be seized. The same thing should happen here.

Comment Tipping doesn't make sense (Score 1) 215

I understand the arguments for tipping (it inspires better service, it allows the company to pay less, etc.). But at it's heart, tipping in restaurants just doesn't make sense. Why should anyone's wage be tied to what I order? Is it any more work for the server to take my order for a steak that costs $40 and deliver it to the table that it is for a hamburger that costs $20? If I order water instead of a soda, why do they deserve to make less money? It makes absolutely no sense at all. To me, that is the biggest reason to just do away with it all together.

Comment Re:State of the art (Score 1) 70

Because I don't expect AI to be making judgement calls like that based on the context of the photo. We know AI isn't to that level yet. But you would think it could find child and nudity together and filter for that and flag it. Then a human could look further. The fact we are training AI on photos that include child porn means the AI will normalize child porn and that is a major issue.

Comment Re:Ads are a scourge (Score 1, Interesting) 212

You can decide to block ads. And Youtube can decide to block you from using their platform if you block ads. It goes both ways. The fact is, Youtube has to make money to continue to exist. If you have some way for them to make similar amounts of money without ads, I am sure they would love to hear it. If they can't make money, it doesn't matter how many people use the service.

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