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Comment Re:So long cables running from space to earth? (Score 1) 371

The difference here is that most power sources are widely distributed (many separate power plants, solar arrays, or wind turbines), while if we came to rely on space based solar energy generation there would likely be far fewer "power plants" providing much more of our overall power. Now, if a coal plant explodes or whatnot, a relatively small region might loose power temporarily, but if one of these went out an entire country could lose power. Unless you had enough ground-based power sources to pick up the slack, but if you did that what use is the space-based source anyway?

Comment Re:I've got an idea (Score 1) 625

Oil companies can be referred to as one entity in the sense that they all have the same motive: profit from oil revenue. Sure, Exxon Mobil's lawyers are behind the times and giving them bad advise, and BP and Shell are lucky enough to have lawyers who see that acknowledging climate change and touting ethanol as a solution will ultimately still increase their profits from oil. So, they're all still part of the problem, its unfortunately inevitable due to the nature of their business. The only way oil companies can stop being part of the problem is if they stop being oil companies and shift gears towards truly renewable energy sources.

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