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Comment Re:It's just smart business. (Score 0) 396

You can't say two months in whether expectations are achievable or not.

And you're confused about Healthcare, Obamacare is a fiscal disaster, incorrect assumptions about money needed to fund the thing were made; it will collapse. It is a Democrat's debacle.

Past administrations allowed unfavorable trade deals with places that have no regard for worker safety (or age for that matter). True "competitive" foreign sources would not be reliant on near-slaves and so should never have been allowed.

Hiring and stocks are already up, analysts disagree with your assessment of the future.

Comment Re:Now he should be shot by a native American (Score 1) 1149

oh and which wave of migrations into N. America are you going to say are the rightful ones. Or do you know what for example the horse tribes did to each other? Right or wrong humans do exactly what you say they can't do, been going on for as long as there have been humans.

Comment Re:"Police found Purinton 80 miles away at Applebe (Score 1) 1149

2nd point mostly comes from troll under the bridge

but that classification is still used in forensic anthropology and is not meaningless but does describe a migration of humans and their descendants. Also, Europeans and Indian's language comes from common branch of human languages, "proto indo-european"

Comment Re:Fat Change (Score 1) 364

, a simple redesign of tower would eliminate need for humans to be involved in winching any heavy objects, you are just thinking of something designed to be worked on by "naked apes" (as D. Morris called us). designing from the ground up for automated maintenance is trivial, and will be done because it will be immensely cost effective.

tape? pfft, the truly huge data centers can't and don't use that. obsolete.

    hyperconverged architecture means you just replace a whole disk/cpu/memory building block, and that can be totally automated. don't need a human in charge of systems maint. your thinking is late 20th century.

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