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Comment Re:No Eye Deer (Score 1) 19

You're too specific. What matters is:
> Nigeria
> weak and corrupt law enforcement
> fraud

When painted shells are valuable, fraudsters base their schemes on painted shells. There's even hardly link between this crook and cryptocurrencies at this point, it's just about money. Which equals power. You can have money and power without corruption, but that's not Nigerian way.

Comment Re:This is not so bad for the banks. (Score 2) 36

In that country $5k USD is a fortune. You either have more than two years' salary worth you can move to a neighbouring country with, or buy a boat ticket to Europe from far-left criminals, or buy an EU visa from far-right criminals (like PiS govt was selling).

Yes, getting shipped by people traffickers is this expensive -- it's not poor fleeing refugees who get into Europe (compare eg. with Ukrainians, who are nearly all honest and hard-working, or Yazidis who are legitimately oppressed).

So starting a new life either in Europe or in a 4rd world country but with those 27 months of local salary in your wallet, you're far better off than you'd were if you returned that money.

Comment Re: Another commie idea (Score 0, Troll) 390

If your idea has been tried in over 100 countries, perhaps there's something wrong with the idea after all?

And you say "just an authoritarian mess". Sorry to bear this to you, but socialism is always an authoritarian mess -- of the worst kind, with no democracy and with concentration camps. Could you please point to a single country that was socialist (ie, marxist, nazi, maoist, etc) but had 1. functional electoral democracy, and 2. no democide? Even in tiny countries like Grenada (1979-83, population 90k), while no "proper" concentration camps, you still had disorganized killing, all while the average citizen couldn't say a word against members of the Party.

Socialism is an antithesis of democracy -- even at its very start, democratic worker councils ("soviets") were bloodily deposed by Lenin before the revolution gained steam.

I'm not claiming that other systems of government have no flaws -- to the contrary, most are flawed -- but it's socialism that bears the distinction of being murderous in every single of its implementations. History knows benevolent dictatorships, enlightened monarchies, even livable theocracies (none of them christian or islamic), etc -- but not a single non-oppressive case of communism or nazism.

Comment Re:Boeing aren't concerned, as it's (Score 4, Insightful) 166

Having the whistle-blower suffer an accident discourages further whistles from being blown. And there's plenty of other issues at Boeing we're yet to hear about.

They'd probably fuck the whistle-blower financially or administratively somehow, physical elimination doesn't seem to be their style. Because to be effective, such an accident needs to be signed -- such as polonium tea or defenestration that's the signature of a certain other opponent-eliminator.

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