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Comment Re:Dearest Public (Score 1) 229

Since everything else seems to have gone in the shitter, I come back to you with a message that seemed to sell well in both campaigns: the environment.

I look forward to again gaining your broad support with a campaign of platitudes, anthemic one-word slogans, and statements that make me appear sympathetic to your issues, while actually resulting in policies that either ossify the current corporation-based lobbyist-driven structure, or expand the pervasive control of the Federal government ostensibly for good reasons but which will in fact be used to incrementally decrease your rights vis a vis that "Constitution" thingy, which I will continue to re-interpret as really not relevant to today's realities anyway.

Your President.


Comment Re:What does he plan to do... (Score 1) 229

The parent here isn't a troll either -- please people just because you don't agree with an opinion doesn't mean you should mod it as troll!

That said it is a leveling off of the warming accompanied with a steadily increasing CO2 that is causing the heartache. This doesn't "prove" that AGW is a farce as many are saying, but it does raise a lot of questions. None of this levelling was predicted by the current models, even the head of the IPCC agrees that the models need to be re-worked. So if heating is caused by the increase in CO2, where is the heat going? What other mitigating factors are there that aren't being factored into the models?


Submission + - Moon mining race under way (bbc.co.uk)

rujholla writes: The race to the moon is back this time though as private enterprise!

Google has offered a $20m grand prize to the first privately-funded company to land a robot on the moon and explore the surface by moving at least 500 metres and send high definition video back to Earth by 2015.

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