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Comment Re:As a rail fan (Score 1) 209

Some countries just can't do infrastructure. The US and UK are prime examples.

The US can do infrastructure just fine. What it can't do is ape a European rail model that is unworkable in the US. The United States, geographically and culturally, is as different from Europe as it is from Japan. It's a huge, wide-open area with large spaces between major metro areas outside of a small cluster in the Northeast US. Very unlike Japan and Europe in that regard. The train romanticists simply refuse to accept reality on that.

Comment Re:8GB is only to claim lower starting price... (Score 1) 457

Very highly doubtful. Apple's better memory management through compression & faster access to the on-module RAM have made the expectations of those used to x86 laptops overestimate the RAM needed for all but the most demanding workloads, as has been seen time and time again by those who actually used one. Come on admit it, you're basing your opinion on a win/linux PC & not through actual use of a M1/2/3 Mac with 8Gb.

Comment Re:Lack of options (Score 2) 163

Check out the Four Horsemen series by Chris Kennedy (and friends).

Dump a bunch of Asimov, Star Wars, Gundam, Heinlein, and a dose of Bladerunner, add a cup of political theory, put in a bowl and stir...

It's the only scifi universe I've read from in years.

Comment Re:Steve Martin (Score 2) 163

I'm personal friends with a number of authors who publish books in one of several subgenres. Mostly, they rely on Amazon's Kindle Unlimited: some of them are prolific enough that their book sales account for most of their income, simply based on peoples' reading of their works.

Mostly, unless people want a piece of history or something they can reference, folks seem to hate having clutter. Fiction that sells isn't usually, primarily sold as a hardcopy book anymore, I don't believe - short of the kinds of books that end up at the end of the grocery store isle or in an airport novelty store.

Regarding the OP topic, a lot of the published hardcopy books of the types mentioned are published for the explicit purpose of a PR or political campaign. Stuff like the Obama or Hillary Clinton books which are pushed massively and funded by third parties - the fact that they're books and people (supposedly) buy them is secondary, they're being paid for by other interests. They're basically a long form version of those "get published in our magazine about who's who/the top 50 in the x industry, for a low, low price of...." magazines you'll sometimes see, still.

Comment Re:They're not wrong. (Score 1) 115

Incorrect. It's been shown that Meta is extremely partisan, and anyone who's even moderate can plainly see it. They openly banned hundreds of satire and news sites during the last election, largely under the banner of "fake news and disinfo". Was it? Sure, much if not most of it was. Some of it wasn't, though - and it isn't their job to do that. What it was, was a highly partisan purge.

Comment Re:Use actual quality leather (Score 1) 39

Correct on all of that.

Nevermind that leather is biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and a low carbon option vs a petroleum derivative.

They were just catering to their ecoterrorist customers who lampooned them for killing animals to make a profit/product.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to go back to leather. It's a natural choice - literally.

Comment Re:Mali (Score 0) 170

It not only puts the cart before the horse, but gw efforts are rife with corruption and a lack of accountability. They're basically government slush funds for corruption and spending malfeasance. If you're looking for cost effective energy, pre-subsidized cost of "green" technology power (batteries, wind, and solar) isn't it.

Comment Re:It's Plenty (Score 1) 457

iPhone users don’t have to care, they’re not using the RAM overconsumption shit sandwich of Android+Chrome.

As is so often the case, the non iPhone users wrongly consider their pachydermic use cases to be EVERYONE’s use cases.

Comment Re:8GB is only to claim lower starting price... (Score 1) 457

8Gb is more than enough for my mother’s MB Air. She only uses Safari, iMessage and Pages. That’s many tasks as Apple correctly said and she does not need a pompous self entitled PC Gamer “journalist” with slovenly multiple tab habits to tell her that she should have paid $200 more for her Mac.

My Mac’s have more memory, but then I run multiple VM’s and don’t need the advice of a pompous self entitled PC Gamer “journalist” to know how much RAM I need either.

Comment Re: These Google ex-employees were anti-Semitic. (Score 1, Informative) 308

It is literally true. Every word of it.

Jordan (formerly Transjordan) is the Arab state carved out of the British Mandate of Palestine after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The rest was designated as a Jewish homeland, but the Arabs violently objected.

Of course, every other party of the Ottoman Empire except Turkey itself is also now an Arab state.

In the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, one day after the modern state of Israel was created, it was invaded by the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.

Israel won, but Jordan annexed the West Bank and Egypt annexed the Gaza Strip.

Comment Re:finally! (Score 2) 48

You'd need to bundle that law with a law that would make the tickets refundable until a certain point too close to the event.

It's legitimate, in my mind, to resell tickets for some event you wanted to go to but now cannot because life circumstances got in the way. It's less legitimate to scrape a website, buy a zillion tickets, and resell them at a huge markup.

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