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Comment Re:How about... (Score 1, Interesting) 617

This is why I like the practicality of the 1-5 scale, which has true meaning to its values: (1) Hate, (2) Dislike, (3) Neutral, (4) Like, (5) Love... Mathematically, this works best as base zero, 0-4 (fancy that, similar to the 4.0 grading scale). This scale exists in grading and has a very practical use, too. Scoring of work is even easier than an opinion (in most cases). The school board's job is simply to say at what number a failure occurs (i.e. less than 2.0). To me, letter grades are for morons and kindergarten children.

Comment Reception Issue - Hacked (Score 5, Interesting) 568

I would be curious about the conductivity of certain coatings. I personally hate covers for phones, as they add bulk. As a person with nickel allergies, I have to coat belt buckles and the like with acrylic. I wonder if the same would help this antenna. If so, then they could do something similar in the manufacturing process. They do similar coatings for fishing rods that weather well.

Comment Manufacturers to blame? Lack of full regulation? (Score 5, Interesting) 563

So, if this is how things are to be, I think that this guy should pass the buck to the manufacturer for not complying with local law. Such devices should be regulated in such a way that they cannot be sold to customers without ALREADY being secure out-of-the-box. Otherwise, I think that this should have no merit.

Comment Re:Sony is a terrorist organization (Score 1, Interesting) 349

As an engineer, I tend to find solid definitions to be quite agreeable. As a scientist, I know that everything could be all wrong and we should do more research... Actually, while words are often misused/misspoken (especially with Bush), it is also important to understand that language is not static. Language is as organic as our culture (for better or worse). New words are coined all the time. Some words are made and forgotten. Other words are only used in certain industries. Marketing terms are made up on an almost daily basis, and the ones that stick seem to find themselves in our everyday language. So, as for "normalcy", this predated W's word juggle: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=normalcy http://www.cjr.org/resources/lc/normalcy.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeping_normalcy I too find many words very annoying... like, "a whole nother". What is this word "nother"? Logic takes over and says quite clearly what a person means. While I don't like it, it's akin to riding over linguistic pot-holes. I'm not going to fix every little thing. Given time it won't need fixing, because it will be "proper". ...and this ends another rant of "things that bother the hell out of me".

Comment Re:Fascinating! (Score 0) 246

Well, is that really true? I mean, if two bodies are moving away from a central point at roughly equal speeds, than this actually puts this cluster at about less than the half-way point in the age of the universe. This assumes no deviations in trajectory or speed, which I think is not fully the case... Just a thought. :)

Comment Re:All your rights are belong to us! (Score 0) 1590

Thank you both... I agree that my statement was meant to provoke a response, but this is a political story, so almost any good comment should. I wouldn't quite call this flamebait, though. That's a bit too far. Boo on whoever labeled this as such. Some things in this country are nothing short of upsetting. I think it is very important to communicate these things with others and get input. I think that the tax situation in this country needs major reform... but as with almost any laws, they're next to impossible to make major changes since no matter what you do, someone will be there to bitch about how they're getting the short end of the stick... again, mostly people with waaaaay to much money, and in-turn, power. Don't even get me started on drug laws... yea, let's jail people as if they're violent criminals. These people are suffering mental and/or physiological conditions, and the best we can do is dehumanize them, take everything from them, and say it's better to take some horrible pharmaceutical or to "just deal with it".

Comment All your rights are belong to us! (Score -1, Flamebait) 1590

Immigration (the concept, not the people) and thinking it's possible to fence the US is a load of crap. How about we stop trying to demonize absolutely everything and stop spending too much of my tax dollars on policing such moronic ideals? Can we at least focus on the simple problems of life first, like health, education, employment, and shelter? Apparently not if we want to keep a select few in filthy wealth.

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