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Comment Re:MDSOLAR, REVEAL YOURSELF. (Score 1) 657

How is asking the question whether the US could phase out nuclear power FUD? It's a perfectly legitimate question. The GP just does not want it asked, so he resorts to an ad hominem/poisoning the well against the submitter. It's perfectly fine to ask what we do with the waste, by the way. And if the answer - as you, and the GP seem to agree upon - is that we have no clue, that is a pretty strong argument to research possibilities of a phase-out, instead of accumulating more of it.

I get it bro. Every question should be entertained with equal vigor and seriousness.
Is obama a muslim? I think we have a right to know though.
Is it true that Mindcontrolled (1388007) raped a girl in high school? Again it's a fair question... And I attacking me for asking it is a logical fallacy.

Pushing politically agenda's in the guise of intellectual curiosity, is dishonest. I don't think many here are falling for it.

Comment Re:sad isn't it ? (Score 1) 916

Some interesting links there, however I'm unable to see how it was the Atheism that lead to the killing of others.

Islamic Jihad or the Old Testament have calls to violence. Is it fair to link 9/11 to religious zealotry? I'm not sure and I didn't make a claim, but it must be said I think most people would agree it is linked (rightly so or not). I'd be interested on your view.

No, that conclusion does not follow. Atheism itself isn't a principle, cause, philosophy, or belief system which people fight, die, or kill for. Being killed by an atheist is no more being killed in the name of atheism than being killed by a tall person is being killed in the name of tallness.

Comment Re:Let see if we got this straight. (Score 1) 106

Loser dude, who can't meet chicks on his own, steals idea of social network, fucks over his partners, gets rich, gets laid, still is a loser.

Did i get it all?

I don't think factually anyone can say he is a loser by any objective measure. I suspect it might make you feel better to see him as one though.

I find his loyalty refreshing and principled. He could quite easily get a much hotter GF.

Furthermore I have huge respect for the force behind Facebook. Visionaries always have many real losers (as in those that continually fail to make any meaningful success or impact on the world) who are insecure about themselves and project that on.

You probably won't read up on it more...

Comment Dangers of platform exposed (Score 1) 237

This highlights the issue of building a business around open API's.

Techie's naively celebrate openness and API's and a lets "build together" attitude, but when a corporate entity ultimately controls the whole ecosystem, your neat business idea is vulnerable to failure as it's built on a stack of cards.

API's are techie solutions. The real world continues to use commercial contracts to enforce partners to behave. The Web 2.0 movement would be wise to address the thinking around this going forward.

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