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Comment Re: Damn what a moron (Score 2) 546

Because people on the right have been pretending for a long time that it helps prevent fraud in the election by making it harder. In reality, it makes it much easier to skew an election fraudulently. And 1.25 times? The actual ratio of vote power is closer to 11 times. I don't have my spreadsheet in front of me right now to check.

Comment Re: All Flawed (Score 1) 566

That's not the only bit of obvious statements that make it clear the trump admin doesn't care about science. I'm not even going to bother listing some here, there's to many. Seriously, just pay attention, it won't be long before Barr says something about encryption or something about covid being better if we just don't test or pretending climate change is a hoax shows up again.

Comment Re: All Flawed (Score 0) 566

It's not really anti science. Anti abortion is anti freedom, specifically bodily autonomy. Let's see... Suppose someone, let's say a well respected musician, needs a new kidney. Should you be forced to give up your kidney for him? If you say yes, you can go, I'm not going to bother with someone that immoral. How about if instead, you just have to be hooked up by tubes to him for the rest of your life? Is forcing you to do that ok? If you're still here, I'd guess no. Last bit, now. What if it was only for, say, 9 months? And what, exactly, do you think a fetus is doing? Even if you grant a fetus full human rights, the right to bodily autonomy requires abortion remain legal and accessable. It's a direct analogue.

Comment Re: Bring up per-capita wealth (Score 2) 235

And even if you think prison is for punishment, you want to pay minimum wage, because otherwise you make prison labor so cheap you take jobs away from people outside. You can't just have an institution designed to screw over those who aren't in prison for the crimes (often not crimes, but whatever) they committed. It's punishing others in addition to the criminals, basically.

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