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Comment Re:Worst one? (Score 1) 314

Strictly in terms of long term radioactive contamination, Fukushima was far worse than the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

. The bombs were airbursts, so fallout was minimal, and blew out mostly over the ocean. Hiroshima and Nagasaki today are back to normal background radiation levels, and have been for decades.

There were a whole lot more material released (and still being released) by the Fukushima meltdowns.

Comment Re:Most of those "self setting clocks" use WWVB... (Score 1) 305


I can't see them shutting down WWVB. That would have a negative financial impact on companies that sell those clocks, and making money selling crappy imported consumer goods is a vital part of our economy.

WWV/WWVH, on the other hand, are only used by radio geeks and scientists, and who gives a damn about them?

Comment Most of those "self setting clocks" use WWVB... (Score 5, Informative) 305

on 60 kHz. The WWV/WWVH services being cut are on HF (2.5-25 MHz).

The loss of those frequencies will obsolete the older HF clocks, like the Heathkit GC-1000 "Most Accurate Clock" I have in my ham shack. As well as removing the other functions they provided besides time, such as precision frequency reference (zero beat a signal generator or receiver VFO against WWV's carrier, and you know it is exactly on frequency), and the various frequencies throughout the HF band provide useful propagation checks, as well.

Oh well, the $6M they save can pay off a lot of porn stars, or cover the security detail for a couple rounds of golf in Bedminster...

Comment From Article 19--UN declaration of Human Rights... (Score 1) 198

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Comment Cue FDA vs. DEA pissing contest in 3, 2, 1... (Score 5, Interesting) 116

The active ingredient in this drug (cannabidiol, CBD) is still listed as a Schedule 1 controlled substance (Cannabis Extracts), and rescheduling it would be a public admission that the plant it is derived from also has medical applications, and itself would then be disqualified for Schedule 1 status.

Will be really interesting how the inter-agency pissing contest over this plays out, now that Big Pharma has some skin in the game...

Comment FM isn't bad at the bottom of the dial... (Score 1) 126

where you find non-commercial and educational stations (below 92 MHz).

There are 2 nice college stations (WFMU and WFUV) that come in fairly well near me.

For lefty talk, there was always Pacifica/WBAI, but they ran off the rails with an internal coup almost 20 years ago. Now they air all kinds of magic cancer cure scams and some fairly regressive Mugabe-worshipping talk show hosts.

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