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Comment Re: All Flawed (Score 1) 566

That's not the only bit of obvious statements that make it clear the trump admin doesn't care about science. I'm not even going to bother listing some here, there's to many. Seriously, just pay attention, it won't be long before Barr says something about encryption or something about covid being better if we just don't test or pretending climate change is a hoax shows up again.

Comment Re: All Flawed (Score 0) 566

It's not really anti science. Anti abortion is anti freedom, specifically bodily autonomy. Let's see... Suppose someone, let's say a well respected musician, needs a new kidney. Should you be forced to give up your kidney for him? If you say yes, you can go, I'm not going to bother with someone that immoral. How about if instead, you just have to be hooked up by tubes to him for the rest of your life? Is forcing you to do that ok? If you're still here, I'd guess no. Last bit, now. What if it was only for, say, 9 months? And what, exactly, do you think a fetus is doing? Even if you grant a fetus full human rights, the right to bodily autonomy requires abortion remain legal and accessable. It's a direct analogue.

Comment Re: Bring up per-capita wealth (Score 2) 235

And even if you think prison is for punishment, you want to pay minimum wage, because otherwise you make prison labor so cheap you take jobs away from people outside. You can't just have an institution designed to screw over those who aren't in prison for the crimes (often not crimes, but whatever) they committed. It's punishing others in addition to the criminals, basically.

Comment A lot of people requesting whitelist (Score 4, Interesting) 44

Only a few comments, and people are already talking about preventing this from going on in certain tabs. How about a simpler solution? Give us an option to disable java timers on non-whitelisted web pages? With a similar blacklist these pages option? No need to keep track of all the timers, just shut 'em off.

Comment Re: I wonder... (Score 1) 391

Not the Dems choice. The Republican were the ones who did the southern strategy, specifically to court the racist vote, simply because the Dems did one thing pro civil rights. Basically they said 'hey, that's going to piss off racists, I bet they'll join us if we start doing more racist stuff', and, well, if worked. So the last, what, 60 years have been the Republicans doubling down whenever they lose support.

Comment Re: Wait, what?? (Score 1) 87

I think most people are mad at the very few cops murdering people and other shady things AND the LARGE number of cops who don't speak out against the, partly because of the OTHER group everyone's mad at, the cops who deliberately punish and endanger those cops who do the right thing by speaking out.

Comment Re: What a fucking embarassment (Score 1) 296

Wow, you live in California and know nearly nothing about it's security measures on voter fraud? You must be an embarrassment to your parents. Here, educate yourself of his you vote. Scroll down to 'hiw secure are mail in ballots' for the specifics, but you really should be aware of everything here:

Comment Re: What a fucking embarassment (Score 2) 296

Yeah, he keeps missing the legal definition of treason by a hair. Like that time he gave classified info to the russian ambassador and the spymaster for Russian spies in the us (in the oval office, no less). Just got away with it because technically, he can declassify anything on a whim. No previous president had ever been stupid enough to throw our allies intel groups under the bus like that before, but making the mossad scramble to get their asset out so s/he wasn't killed wasn't technically treason. Just treasonous.

Comment Re: What a fucking embarassment (Score 2) 296

"Can you provide citations for these allegations? You say he's corrupt.. You call him evil... You call him small minded (a subjective opinion, so you can skip this one). You call him misogynistic... AND you call him a racist." Why is it constantly on other people to keep you up to speed on current events? Corrupt:. 10 instances of abuse of power, with plenty of evidence. Extorting a foreign government to investigate a couple of long disproven conspiracy theories so they could get the illegally withheld money to defend themselves from a foreign invader. Plenty more, those are just the inarguable ones. Evil/small minded: hard to tell at any given point which he's being, but read his tweets and watch his rallies. For a specific, obvious, well known example, look at him making fun of a reporter with parkensens. Mysoginistic: grab em by the pussy, bragging about going into a dressing room filled with naked teenage girls to, as he indicated, specifically so he could ogle them. Even him cheating on his wife while she was pregnant is a strong clue, and fits under 'evil' as well. And racist: saying an american born judge couldn't judge his case because he had Mexican heritage, restricting all traven from 'muslim' countries because, even assuming banning Muslims was legal or a good idea, the belief that all arabs are Muslims is racist. Especially considering we were previous to that accepting Christian refugees from some of those countries. And a decades long history of his companies being successfully sued for obviously racist behavior. Look up the well known video of him complaining about some native americans by saying 'they don't look like indians', as if that's some kind of point. Seriously, nothing he said isn't obvious to anyone who pays even the slightest bit if attention to him.

Comment Re: What a fucking embarassment (Score 2) 296

Ah, yes. What post about trump is complete without someone commenting on a debunked conspiracy theory as if it were true. You do realize it happens all the time, because vote by mail is extremely common in california, due to the extreme security put on place around it combined with the convenience for many if not having to take time off work? The votes weren't counted until well after the election because people put their votes in the mail election day, and usps hasn't developed teleportation technology yet. And it went from Republican to democrat because, surprise, retired people who don't need to take time off to go to the polls are more likely to go into the polls instead if vote by mail. And old people who watch fake news are more likely to be Republicans due to lack of understanding of modern propaganda techniques.

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