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Comment Re:Finally, we've arrived! (Score 1) 569

I work in an environment that produces huge tracts of code for military equipment. Much of the code is restricted by various security clearances and so forth. Having said that, there is a sizable number of people with access to the full code (including me) and were somebody to come down with an order to 'write a function that returns this under these circumstances', there would be much discussion and refusal to do so without understanding the framework under which that functionw as going to be used; how often it would be called, and how it is intended to fit into the whole system; etc ... In short, we don't have code-monkeys who turn english into code... If, on the off chance, someone were convinced to do such a thing, it would be found by everyone in fairly short order during code reviews.

So I would be surprised if that happened at VW.

Comment Re:ZTE Maven specs, not noted in the story summary (Score 1) 209

I don't understand why a user replaceable battery is so important. I must be different. Every phone I've had since my 1st gen iphone (including the 1st gen iphone) died long before the battery stopped charging; and I haven't had that many phones... In short, it's always been some other part of the phone that has failed before the battery. In the odd case where I need more charge than the battery will hold, I carry a $5.00 external charger...

Comment Re:ZTE... (Score 2) 209

Guess i'm an idiot. I haven't ever wanted to put an SD card in my phone because I don't store anything significant on the phone... So far my phone is dying in ways that suggest the battery will outlast the rest of the phone ... I dunno, maybe the battery is replaceable but who cares?

Calling someone an idiot if they don't want the same things that you do is a bit arrogant, don't you think?

Comment Re:For starters... (Score 3, Interesting) 842

Interesting. So I have a friend who has done very well. We've been acquaintances since Gr7 and good friends since University. Our sons are good friends. Now he is quite well off and no longer needs to work. I still have to work for a living and hope for eventual retirement...

So the problem I have is whenever we go anywhere either as a family or even just the two of us, he always insists on paying which makes me feel uncomfortable... So I always refuse and insist we split it. We seem to have reached some sort of silent consensus that we'll just split it from now on... See, I want to hang out with him and his family because we enjoy their company, not because they're well off... I think he thinks he's helping by offering to pay all the time...

Anyway, it's not a real problem... But an annoying thing that's developed since he became 'very comfortable'...

Comment Re:And they didn't (Score 1) 528

There's a specific forum that I try not to use but occasionally has stuff I need to look at... It's an ad-laden disaster including the keyword popups so you need to keep your mouse pointer comfortably off screen while you scroll or else you get popups as you're scrolling... If I visit the site with an ad-blocker, the site will pretty much not load.. I'm not sure what's happening (I'm a kernel/embedded guy, I don't pay attention to webby stuff) but I'm wondering if some javascript is waiting for a specific cookie being dropped by one or more of the ads before it will load the rest of the site ... If I don't enable JS, I don't get anything. If I enable JS but use adblock+, the site just seems to block...

Comment Re:May you (Score 3, Insightful) 330

That's the theory... I see a number of local headlines of the form "Joe Shmoe has been arrested on suspicion of child molestation and trafficking of a person under the age of 18" ... Well, I don't know if I've ever seen a headline that says "Joe Shmoe was cleared of all charges relating to his arrest for child molestation and trafficking" ... So when Joe Shmoe wants to continue his career as a youth swimming instructor, I predict he's largely fucked even though, technically, everything should be ok. I think most insensible people know the difference between being accused and actually being convicted but I also think most parents are going to say "well, he probably got off on a technicality and where there's smoke there's fire so i'm not going to trust him with my 14 year old daughter"...

The theoretical world is a nice place to live in, if you can find a way to do it... But here in the real world, things aren't always ideal.

Comment I work in such a facility. (Score 1) 227

Most parts of the building are smartphone 'ok' but there are labs that are not. Outside the labs are cubbies with keylocks. You're supposed to put your phone in a cubby... The times i've violated the rule were purely accidental where someone has dragged me away from my desk to help them with something and the excursion ends up in one of the labs and I forget that my phone is in my pocket.. I've never taken the phone out of my pocket to use it though it did ring once causing everyone to look over and mock me until I sheepishly left...

Other parts of the building where the phones are allowed; the phones get used because the corporate firewall prevents us from doing actual work so we have to download stuff onto our phones and then e-mail it to our corporate accounts... The corporate climate for making firewall rules which permit people to be productive is non-existant. And you wonder why military gear is expensive? But I digress.

Comment Re: No it is not (Score 1) 351

Same here. My son grew up not knowing there were ads on TV. When he was 8, he saw his first ad at Grampas house (because Grandma/grampa have satellite)...

Unfortunately, the pervasiveness of ads is over the top. Most movies have product placement... I think there should be an IMDB category for product placement so you can decide whether to watch a movie based on how much of it is in there.

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