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Comment Re: It's called work (Score 2) 198

"Simping for Hamas is absolutely a crystal clear example of employees... of human beings in general... who "did the wrong thing."

Yes, netanyahu, who told us that he was deliberately funding Hamas back in 2017 for the purpose of developing support for violently conquering Palestine, certainly did the wrong thing. So why are we funding genocide? He's an American citizen!

Comment Re: It's called work (Score 5, Insightful) 198

"who the fuck is the UN to tell ANY sovereign power what to do, much less occupy any country?"

Good point. They should not have founded the nation of Israel in the partition of Palestine in the first place.

But now that they have, there is a moral obligation to address the problem of Israel perpetrating a holocaust against Palestine.

You are happy with a status quo which involves the torture and murder of Muslims, so you don't want anything done. Just admit that so we can move on without you.

Comment Re:Another one bites the dust (Score 1) 101

I watched the video Joanna Stern (IIRC) did where she wore the Vision Pro for a day or two. I remember she was talking about how great it was to cook, having the recipe right there and being able to put up multiple timers for things. I was thinking "I can already do all that with the Paprika app on my Phone, without sacrificing my peripheral vision".

I do think if there's a path for this sort of thing to move into the mainstream, it's going to be AR versus VR - so Apple's at least got that right. But I've yet to see any of these AR devices (from Google Glass onward) make a good case for why I'd want to routinely wear them on my head. It's already easy enough to look at my phone or iPad; paying lots of money just to shift that up to my (now heavier, with short battery life) glasses isn't gonna "wow" me.

Comment Re: Orders of magnitude (Score 2) 140

It shouldn't take an hour, but it does reasonably take at least ten minutes. Considering that you can get quite a bit of charge into an EV in not many more minutes, this is a long time.

When you add into that the multiple filling station explosions which occurred already it begins to look like a very, very bad deal.

Comment Re: Orders of magnitude (Score 1) 140

No one has to sabotage green hydrogen technology, because it has to overcome physics.

Hydrogen production research is always ongoing, because there are so many uses for hydrogen. Even if there were zero people trying to use it as a motor fuel there would still be ample reason to develop more technologies for that.

Comment Re:Subjectively it make sense... (Score 1) 72

I don't understand your point, I'm not arguing against hiring more teachers, I'm simply pointing out the quality of the teachers we have isn't great.

All of these things are part of the same problem. The best teachers are also the best equipped to take a job elsewhere. If they can't afford to survive on what's being paid, and they have other opportunities, they take them. There is also high burnout from having to be a babysitter to so many ill-mannered children, who got that way by emulating their ill-mannered parents.

We need more teachers, but that just means the teachers we have, need to work a little harder.

You sound like men that women won't talk to talking about women. Do you even know any teachers? I do, and they are working as hard as they can with what they're given already. Side note, most are women.

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