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Comment Re:Pros and cons of Social Media (Score 2) 89

I don't think the problem is social media. Newsgroups are social media.

Newsgroups are more a distributed, social discussion forum and not social media.

The motivation to create newsgroups was to improve discussions. The motivation to create social media is to improve attention to a platform (usually to sell ads to steal our attention).

Comment Re:Good job (Score 1) 135

Exactly, copyright law was intended to benefit society as a whole by encouraging creation of works with the notion that after a while these works would fall into the public domain for the benefit of all.

Exactly this is it. As a Swiss citizen I'll vote against any further extensions of author's rights.

Comment Re:He's going to be rich (Score 1) 166

How is that different from email? Should everyone run their own server?

With email you can choose your provider. You don't thrust your server operator? Choose another one. With a centralized social network you can't choose (Well you choose either the one every one of your friends use but kills your privacy, or one who respects the privacy of you and the other customer).

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