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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 45 declined, 10 accepted (55 total, 18.18% accepted)


Submission + - Doing research by borrowing from a blog post?

JohnGrahamCumming writes: "Last Monday my blog post on subliminal spam messages was posted on Slashdot's front page. In the days that followed three anti-spam firms reported the discovery of subliminal spam as their own work with no mention of my blog or Slashdot. One even appears to have lifted the examples straight from my blog without attribution. Is this how research is done, or was it just three coincidences?"

Submission + - The first subliminal spam using animated GIFs

JohnGrahamCumming writes: "Everyone's noticed the recent flood of image spam (including the SpamAssassin developers who are working on an OCR-extension to beat it), but take a look at this spam containing a subliminal message flashed every 17seconds to try to entice you to buy the stock being pumped. Does this work? Warning: link shows the actual spam; don't blame me if you lose money on this stock!"

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