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Comment Implement gender neutralization (Score 0) 181

1. All employees must wear a grey burqa
2. Electronic "voice scrambling" devices will be issued to all employees, their use will be mandatory
3. One will refer to each other by ones Employee ID nr. as ones names generally gender specific
4. No one may be refereed to by a gender specific pronoun
5. Employees will be issues with a gender neutral deodorant. Other scents may not be worn

Comment Comsidering how electionions run in the US... (Score 2) 166

These statistics are probably skewed by ridiculous rules like:
- If a city has Windows 10 on over 50% of the computer, when they are all considered to be Windows 10 computers.
- Super statisticals: people whose computer usage count as 10,000 users, they're specifically chosen by the company paying for the survey.

Popular in this context is sort of like a "belief" system... just like religion.
- most people believe in "their religion" because that's what their parents/culture brought them up to do
- most people use Windows because that's what their computer came with, and change is scary

Windows 10 is "popular" in the same way the plague was "popular".
The correct word here is "common".

Comment This is an interface(tech) error! (Score 1) 232

To sound a "real" alarm should be easy, and 99.999% idiot proof.
It should rely on the minimum amount of technology, as we don't want a situation where the alarm can't be sounded because the software crashed or the mouse has dust on the sensor

The activator for the real alarm should be a large red button, which sits in a red box with the instructions:
"break the glass, and hold the button down for 5 seconds",

next to is there should be a white button with which can't be mistaken for the "real" button with the text:
"hold the button down for 5 seconds to sound the test alarm" if it is a part of the procedure an alarm cancelled message should be sent automatically

Comment Re: Unsurprising (Score 1) 244

I know and accept that all batteries will loose their capacity over time. Everybody over the age of about 8 should have learnt this.
It should be my choice of which action to take.

I could:
1) replace the battery
2) buy a new phone
3) use the phone less
4) have a charger with me and desperately be in search for an power outlet
5) buy a USB power bank to keep the phone charge
6) turn on a power saving mode to extend the battery charge

Comment Are ads in "printed" newspapers discriminating? (Score 1) 340

First of all, this is the advertisers on Facebook who are choosing who should see the ads, all Facebook does is to make this possible.

In the same line of logic that "guns don't kill people, people kill people", "Facebook doesn't discriminate, advertisers discriminate". Facebook is just making it easier.

I would guess that the demographic of people who read the "old-fashion" paper versions of newspapers are getting older.

Would ads only printed "paper newspapers" be considered as discrimination?

Comment Just like smoking... why was it ever permitted (Score 1) 191

The problem is that one has allowed an addiction(nicotine,phones,chewing-gum,finger-spinners) to flourish it is almost impossible for "common sense" to win.
  • - Students become anxious if they aren't online 24hours a day
  • - Parents become anxious if they can't "hover" over their children at all times

In not so recent past(relatively speaking), parents would have to call the school office/secretary to contact their kids, and the kids would have to use a payphone(or the office phone in case of emergencies)... WE SURVIVED.

No one will ever tell you that more distractions in school is an advantage.

As long at the curriculum is created at a level where a whole internet's worth of knowledge is not required, then there is no reason for kids to use them.

Also if the cyber bullies can't be online in school time, then school time will be less stressful for the bullies targets. Many(most?) cyberbullies are too scared to confront their targets in person.

Comment I'm confused... (Score 2) 300

Did anyone really expect this to be more than a modern "keypad lock"?

On my first phone, one could lock and unlock the keypad by pressing 0000. This was not security measure, just a way of preventing accidental phone calls.

Face ID is just the modern "keypad lock", the right photo of the person will probably also unlock the phone.

Comment You(and I) probably let them in "willingly" (Score 1) 180

Somewhere in the "terms and conditions" or "end user agreement ", which none of us read but could/should, they probably told us that they were going to use our data(typed or spoken) to improve their products/profit.

Whether it's an OS, browser, communication, chat, VOIP, or on-line game, every program you use or install has a line in the mass of waffle a cryptically written paragraphs which you agree to which states that anything you do with their product is fair game.

Comment Seriously... driverless vehicles shouldn't exist! (Score 1) 160

There should in every street vehicle be a person why is responsible/liable the operation of the vehicle.
There should be "driver assistance vehicles" where the driver gets...
- collision detection... warns the driver of obstacles, and possible can apply brakes
- lane change detection... if one crosses lanes without indicating one is "suspected" of not being alert
- blink rate detection... this should warn the driver that they are getting tired, and give the driver a short time to find a save place to park
- male hormone detection... prevents the car from driving more that 60mph
- a "screen light detector"... a camera which point towards the driver and shuts the engine off if it detect a phone/tablet/etc.

This should all be mandatory by 2025.

Comment Re:Is Google forced down anyone's throat? (Score 4, Informative) 362

Who "forces anyone to use Google"??? Well, it's the "other consumers". If all the "other consumers" use Google, then essentially the businesses are "forced" to use Google... and in turn "you and I" are "forced" to use Google

One could argue that "it's not Googles fault that they make a better product than the consumer", and that is true.

The commission if fining Google because:
- Consumers(stupidly/naively) believe that Google is showing the results that are most relevant to the customer
- Google is NOT doing that

If you search for "cheap shoes", the searcher/customer has a right to expect that they get a fair representation of the best(most relevant) sites that sell cheap shoes.

Google does NOT do this...
- They will sneakily put links to their own store, with out any indication that it is essentially an advert for their own product/store.

Comment Re:I only half-believe the Commission is serious. (Score 1) 362

The commission is very serious, but unfortunately Google can tie up the process for years/decades.

Intel has been battling the EU commission since 2009 (http://ec.europa.eu/competition/sectors/ICT/intel.html), but the EU commission has all the teeth of an earthworm.

Deciding that Google "should" pay money isn't the same as Google actually paying the money.

Comment Only a moron... (Score 3, Insightful) 45

...would allow any remote device to access a cars "control systems", especially when the car is running

...would allow any kind of connection between the "control systems", and other systems like entertainment

...would not have a "physical" off switch on the communication chips, so when you are not at a service center(with the proper equipment) there is absolutely no way to talk to the vital systems.

If the gps/navigation system of the entertainment system get hacked, one should be ably to just turn them off.

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