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Comment Re:Hopefully common sense will prevail (Score 4, Interesting) 136

Worse, unless the company is going out of business, which Ubisoft afaik is not, is it really a drag to spend a hundred a month keeping a server for ancient stuff running just for goodwill?

Some of these games needed many servers just for all the zones of one shard, a decade later that can be tucked into one computer.

Comment Thought (Score 1) 222

If it moves, tax it. If it stops moving, subsidize it.

I pointed out once EVs got prevalent enough, government would stop subsidizing and start taxing. I got modded down, by clowns who, when government inevitably changed its mind, would later dutifully regurgitate the talking point that government now needs taxes for roads.

Comment Fix (Score 4, Interesting) 91

I have a 100% fix for the last mile problem.

Local Utility Company, that owns and maintains fiber.

All fiber brought back to a COLO facility where Vendors offer their services to the local utility customers, directly AT the COLO facility. Choice to the Consumer. The COLO and Fiber are maintained with fees extracted as part of the rental agreement between the vendors and the local Utility CO.

A consumer purchases service from the vendor(s) of their choice directly, based on their desires and needs. No Government needs to be involved. Increase Options creates competition.

Its a wonder smart people haven't figured out that Government Franchise Agreements has stagnated the status quo into doing nothing.

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