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Comment Re:starting no doubt with 'rainbows end'... (Score 1) 197

Again, you do not tell the truth about public salaries. Private salaries are a complete number whereas public salaries include a base salary, legally guaranteed pensions (the rest of us wonder what a pension is), and a maze of perks from free cars to collecting sick days.

More educated? So this entitles them to what? Do you believe it makes them better than the unwashed public you write about?

Comment Spend more time at the library (Score 0) 197

Since you are the public, it follows that you are grossly misinformed as well. In fact, you misrepresent the salaries and defeat you own argument in you second paragraph by saying their real salaries aren't including pensions.

You see, the rest of us take out of what we make and save what we can in retirement funds. They arent guaranteed by law on the backs of other people through taxes and aren't adjusted to inflation. You are not even remotely honest in comparing salaries in the private sectors to public.

Lastly, the problem isn't that California can't tax more through prop 13. That's merely a symptom of the disease of overspending.

Comment They're police, not samurai (Score 3, Insightful) 431

I agree, but why stop there, let's take the guns away, too.

Shooting someone for running away or resisting arrest is the stupidest suggestion I've ever heard. Spend a little less time watching Cops and read more about abuse of power, wrongful arrest, and unarmed shootings by police because of "self-defense".

Giving any people that sort of power will guarantee a rash of "necessary force". Dead people can't argue.

Comment Re:Damn you, George W. Bush! (Score 2, Informative) 293

I don't know what you expected Obama to do, short of declaring himself emperor and ruling by decree.

2007 Obama:

"While we're at it," he said, "we're going to close Guantanamo. And we're going to restore habeas corpus. ... We're going to lead by example not just word but by deed. That's our vision for the future."

I don't know...expect him to follow through on what he was elected upon? What was his plan then? In 2009 in his inaugural speech he reaffirmed that United States does not have "to continue with a false choice between our safety and our ideals." In January, he signed an executive order to close it. Was there a plan in 2009? Incidentally, in 2009 there was a lot of talk about prosecuting Bush for these very acts that are perpetuated today.

Congress didn't create Gitmo, the President did. The new one doesn't have to be an emperor to close it.

Comment Re:Insilvent? So what? (Score 1) 252

Government services attempt to provide as much service as possible whilst charging as little as possible, sometimes resulting losses. Corporations attempt to provide as little service as possible whilst charging as much as possible for it, often resulting in multimillion dollar bonuses for corporate executives.

This is really the most naive worldview I've read in a while. Thanks for the laugh.

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