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Comment RTFA and *DON'T* take down the plexiglass barriers (Score 1) 289

The article said that they know it still has value as a physical barrier to droplets. They just said that if you have so much plexiglass that you impede airflow, it might actually be counter-productive to particles that are aerosolized.

I would love to see the barriers remain up at retail stores and other places with clerk interactions, even after the pandemic is over.

Comment Re:Libraries are obsolete (Score 4, Informative) 45

You are woefully under-informed. Libraries are more important than ever. Not only do they do a lot more than just lend books, they are important parts of the communities they serve. Not every book is available in a digital format and not every person has the luxury of being able to read books digitally. They also serve as ways for people to get connected to the Internet and others. They help with literacy and research. They reach out to the poor, disabled, and people with learning difficulties. And yes, they still lend books for free which helps stop the money from flooding the corporate coffers of Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.
