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Comment Re:A lesson to be learned (Score 1) 234

People would believe that manmade the global climate crisis is real if the Hollywood actors, billionaires flying around the world in their personal jets, politicians spending my money, and anyone else who is telling us there is a crisis, would actually act like it's a crisis by cutting back on consumption.

FFS, they just had a climate change meeting where thousands of people flew into Dubai. Dubai!! Dubai is a city totally created by oil profits. If oil did not exist Dubai would not exist. Their desalination plant is powered by the third biggest natural gas generator system in the world. If you want people to believe you, pick better venues. Or better yet, hold one of your 50 annual giant climate change conferences over Zoom just to show us lowly working people that you are serious enough to once, just once, not fly on your personal jets spewing out tons of CO2 and other pollutants.

Heck, even the the stop oil nutjob protesters would develop a modicum of credibility if they would stop showing up wearing nylon vests, polyester jackets, shoes with rubber soles, and signs written with plastic markers. You know, things made out of oil.

Comment Re:A lesson to be learned (Score 1) 234

Not true, and the experts today are still talking out of their ass. eg global boiling.

Remember, 99% of all scientists agree with whoever is funding their research. Doesn't matter if it is some thinktank made up of billionaires, or just your phd funder. Toe the line or the $$ dries up.

In the mid 1970s the 'experts' were telling us that another ice age was just around the corner. By 1990 were were going to be in the middle on it, the experts said.
Why? Because the winters in the 70s were very harsh. Snow fell early, often before Halloween, and it didn't melt until mid April.

Comment I remember the good old days of software upgrades (Score 1) 55

1990s-about 2010
When you didn't dare install new Windows Service Packs, drivers, Browsers updates until Friday night, just in case it trashed your system and you needed all weekend to sort things out including a fdisk/format/reinstall.

Still good practice today.

Comment Enterprise (Score 1) 184

Same here; I just rewatched ST:Enterprise this fall and found it to be much better than when it first aired.

Everyone hated, Hated, HATED the opening credits due to the song, and unfortunately the fans kept feeding off that dislike and continued to pick on the show.

It certainly deserved a better final episode than the Riker-holodeck episode. It was a good episode but not a good ending.

Comment They rediscovered Nuclear Winter theory from 1983 (Score 1) 135

The "Amy Schumer method of research": steal research, like how she steals jokes, from decades years ago thinking nobody will remember.

The effect of dust & ash, particulate matter, from the impacts of global-extinction-sized asteroids has been established for decades.

The line 'But the idea that it was sulfur, rather than dust, that caused the impact winter has become "very popular" in recent years' is misleading because articles & papers from 20+ years ago contain statements like "shrouding the globe for years in a thick cocoon of sky-blackening dust and debris"

When new science is just repeating what is already know you know something is really, really wrong with research.

Comment Re:Can't use Twitter as an example (Score -1, Troll) 101

Oh just stop it!

Most headlines are written to be click-bait and present to the viewer the authors subjective and misleading opinon on the story. Good Riddance!

You know, when all the three-year old conspiracy theories of covid vaccines, lockdown mandates, virus origins have come true (masks don't stop the virus, covid vaccines are not 100% safe, vaccine doesn't prevents transmission, covid hospital deaths were inflated by at least an order of magnitude,et. all) , it's should be time for everyone to start questioning everything the "news" is telling you. Real objective news doesn't exist anymore and the legacy media has shown in the last few years that is not to be trusted.

X removed the NYT verification tick because they (and also CBS, MSNBC, CNN) were caught quoting in verbatim press releases by the Hamass terrorists that were blatant lies; NYT didn't even attempt to verify the statements.

It's funny, but expected, how Elon fell out of favor with the far-left and became their #1 enemy as soon as he fired the 6000 employees that worked in the "censor posts that hurt my feelings and make me literally shake" group, and opened up X to everyone to freely post without, or at least with little, censorship.

Comment Turn off automatic app updates (Score 1) 194

And block all requests the HUE lights and hub make to external sites. Its crazy that HUE and Nanoleaf (an even shittier less reliable light/app ecosystem) "needs" to connect to multiple external sites every minute.

Updateshittery surprise EULA problem solved.

Like people on here are saying,quite often it does takes more time to pick up the smartphone, unlock it, open the app, wait for the app to respond-often it seems to be searching for someting, tap the room, tap the light, and tap ON/OFF than the 5 seconds it would take to get up and flick a wall switch.

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