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Comment Re:What is the fascination with UBI? (Score 2) 1022

That this was modded up as insightful I find a bit disconcerting. UBI absolutely will affect the supply and demand relationship. Most likely prices will rise and it doesn't take a shadow conspiracy to do so. In aggregate UBI alone would absolutely create a surge in demand from those who would otherwise starve or be homeless without it. This will push prices up. Groceries may not be where you'd see the effects first, but you will see it.

I think UBI is a sound idea, but it alone will not be enough. Housing is probably where you'd see inflation the fastest because building new housing takes a long time. If there is a sudden influx in cash to an area via UBI, more people will be able to afford rentals so prices will rise as no new housing was created at the same time. In absence of an initiative to build more housing, you will see a rise in housing costs and a wealth transfer from the pockets of UBI receivers to land owners. Eventually more housing builders may enter the market to help push prices back down. However, housing starts have still not recovered from the great recession, so waiting on the market to fix it could be a very very long wait.

Another sad reality is that you need at least some basic controls in place to ensure UBI doesn't perpetuate or fund things actually destructive to society. For instance, it seems highly likely a drug addict provided UBI will not be using the majority of that money for food or housing, they will use it for more drugs. This benefits neither them nor society. This person deserves society's help, but UBI would not be the best way to help them and would most likely be detrimental to them.

I'm for UBI, but it needs other programs or regulations in concert with it to be successful. Otherwise it's just going to raise the price floor for misery subsistence.

Comment Re:Handy cross-reference for job seekers (Score 1) 315

This, so much this. Half time was just about right when I worked on a team that management required we still plan in hours (which I always thought was stupid). Even then we still tended to overestimate what we'd get done. Many tasks would end up with two hours remaining for like a week. Which I always blamed the hours formula for. If we just did a total tasks per sprint team limit or something like that I think we would have fared better.

With my most recent team I was able to set the standard and dump hours and only track in story points. Also dumped sprints and we do kanban. It has been the smoothest running project I've been on. No one is stressed about their projected hours being off and what we get done in a sprint because we don't have an artificial timebox. We keep the tasks small enough nothing can linger too long and that's good enough to keep us small, focused and not taking on too much at once. And for a two year project it's looking like we'll deliver about three months early, so that's a good thing as well.

Comment Yes, full stack devs are a thing. (Score 2) 371

I'm what you'd call a full stack dev. Most of my time is spent in Angular 2+ with plenty of messing around with Observables and the like. However, I also do work in Spring creating REST endpoints, entities, handling security and integrating with other web services. I also write SQL queries for use by Spring entities, and work with store procedures that inevitably are called by Spring. When I need a new table or column I'll discuss shape, form, naming of it and its relationships with the database folks and they'll put it. Then I'll write the sql to populate it.

We have a dedicated frontend design/developer. He's light on the Angular 2+ side, which allows the rest of us to focus on that part and he takes care of all the CSS. I could do the CSS if I needed to as I was a web developer as well further back in my career. However, while I'm good at user experience flow, I'm not good at the making it pretty part, so we're glad to have him handle that.

The rest of the devs (4) on the team are also what you'd probably call full stack though everyone has their strengths. I'm probably the strongest in Angular 2+ on our team. Two of the others are stronger on the stored procedure/database side of things. The other two are probably strongest in Spring, though one is getting pretty good with Angular 2+ now as well.

Inevitably the entire team, other than the frontend designer/developer, ends up working along all parts of the stack to varying degrees. And we all code review each other's work so we're all exposed to all parts of the system.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: How Do You Deal With Aggressive Forum Users? 1

dryriver writes: I've noticed a disturbing trend while trying to resolve a rather tricky tech issue by asking questions on a number of internet forums. The number of people who don't help at all with problems but rather butt into threads with unhelpful comments like "why would you want to do that in the first place?" or "why don't you look at X poorly written documentation page " was staggering. One forum user with 1,500+ posts even posted "you are such a n00b if you can't figure this out" in my question thread, even though my tech question wasn't one that is obvious or easy to resolve. The ratio of unhelpful comments to actually helpful comments was about 5 to 1. I seem to remember a time when people helped each other far more readily on the internet. Now there seems to be a new breed of forum user who a) hangs out at a forum socially all day b) does not bother to help at all and c) gets a kick out of telling you things like "what a stupid question" or "nobody will help you with that here" or similar. Who are these forum users? Are they emotionally unstable t(w)eenagers who hang around forums looking for some "n00b" to trash? Where have the good old days gone when people much more readily gave other people step-by-step tips, tricks, instructions and advice?

Comment Ask your kids what they want, or build a PC. (Score 1) 375

If they want a particular console between the two that is what you should get. If they are indecisive or that won't work for whatever reason, if it's within your budget, I would suggest building a Windows gaming PC. With Big Picture in Steam, and modern video cards outputting HDMI you can use it as a living room device and it will be superior to a console in pretty much every way. You can use any controller you want with it, xbox, dualshock, Steam Controller, etc. and your back catalog of potential games is insanely huge. Graphics of a well built gaming PC will always be superior to console. The modern economics of games has made it such that almost every game you'll want to play will be coming to all three platforms, PC, xBox, and Playstation.

As a personal anecdote, my wife bought me a PS4 just last month for my birthday, because I really wanted to play The Last of Us. Now that I have a PS4, I went searching for console exclusives to play. I'm not finding more than a handful of games worth playing that aren't already on PC as well. And the PS4 is two years old, same as the xBone. Most games worth playing are simply on all three platforms now.

Another huge bonus of PC gaming is access to mods. You don't like the way a particular game mechanic plays, you can often find a mod to change it. I've found this incredibly helpful in increasing my enjoyment of a myriad of games. Since this is for your kids, using and understanding modding might also be a gateway for them to become more engaged with the technology. Many times it's not hard to write at least a simple mod of your own. Having the power to change something in game the way you want could be very interesting to them.

Comment Re:Exclusives (Score 0) 86

The PS4 has a fair amount of exclusive games

That list is woefully inaccurate. A huge number of those games are on pc as well. I actually really like that I can find so few exclusives. The economics of video games have pushed developers to make their games available on all platforms and that's an awesome thing.

My wife got me a ps4 for my birthday because I wanted to play the Last of Us (which was amazing). Now that I have one I'm searching for exclusives (non exclusives I'd just play on pc because I can mod them.) I'm finding very very few good ones. Infamous, uncharted, rapture, and bloodbourne are pretty much it right now. And looking to 2016 I'm not seeing a ton either. Horizon Zero Dawn and Witness (which will probably come to pc later anyway) is all that looks that interesting. Everything else will be on pc as well.

Comment Re:Cyclists DON'T obey the law! (Score 1) 696

That would be because it's unreasonably dangerous in most cases to hand signal a stop. You need both hands on your brakes to do the stop and your stability decreases as you apply the brakes. Signaling a stop is more dangerous in the vast majority of cases for the cyclist. The laws and reality do not match.

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