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Comment Low expectations (Score 4, Insightful) 144

I can't say I agree with the author.

Sure, not many people are excited or even interested in a new windows release anymore.

But why?

Well, if Microsoft were doing anything with windows other than making it less usable for competent users, increasing the amount of spyware they cram in and ensuring that everyone has to keep paying repeating fees forever I could probably raise a bit more enthusiasm.

But no, instead, I raise a weary sigh and prepare to block updates until the new 3rd party patches to block all their new security holes are completed.

Comment Re:Simple Solution (Score -1, Troll) 112

I have a suspicion that you have never bought a game from Humble Bundle in the first place.
Given that most games sold in Bundles are in the form of Steam keys, redeemable at steam, and you deny ever having used the Steam service...

Go be a super-self-righteous hypocrite all you want, but do try to be a better liar if you don't want to be called out on it.

Comment Re:Been dealing with this garbage from Sony for ye (Score 1) 262

Sony lost me as a customer decades ago, specifically when they decided that attempting to rootkit my pc was an acceptable response to my buying a music cd from them.
No forgiving, no forgetting, no second chances and no excuses about "other departments". Full 100% guilt by association for anyone binding themselves to the Sony name.

Comment Re:Obviously, ads do not work (Score 1) 238

You forgot the 3rd thing.
Having reminded or shown me the product/concept exists, online ads also go on to show me the brand in question is probably a collection of scam artists, and if the product/concept is actually worth considering (an incredibly rare occurance) I should look for another manufacturer.

Comment I'm surprised it didn't result in improved sales. (Score 1) 238

If you advertise online you annoy people, and make your brand seem like a scam.

Especially so if you advertise in a manner that tries to evade adblocking and interferes with the functioning of websites in the process.

And if you actually get your brand on screen in front of me I'll make a concious effort to avoid it, as competant scammers are the worst types.

Comment Re:The antidote is small business and buy local (Score 1) 71

Just an aside, not a counter to your point (which I wholeheartedly agree with) at all:

Maplins killed themselves off in corporate suicide, not as a result of Amazon.

Amazon hurt them sure, but Maplins died from financial missmanagement, corporate shenanigans and deliberate financial sabotage on the corporate side, and from abandoning any effort to sell actual usable electronics in favour of being a "blinky light & gimmick device" shop, selling the same crap as found in poundland at much higher prices. What little IT gear they stocked in the last decade of their existence was twice the price of other brick and mortar stores, and always of an antique vintage.

Comment If you're advertising on Facebook you're a scammer (Score 2) 62

If you're advertising on Facebook you're a scammer.

Seriously, choosing to advertise on Facebook means that you are looking to sell to the dumbest and least net-capable idiots (and, aside and seprately, are willing to abandon all ethics and disregard the bahaviour of the company you use for advertising).

Why would you do that if you were a legitimate business and had a product that could actually survive in a real market?

Comment Ad-Block? (Score 2) 52

The summary, at least, is missing the one and only question of value about browsers (beyond basic functionality). Does effective ad, script, cookie and tracker-dot/sound blocking exist, and is it independently verifiable?

Nothing else matters.

Comment Re:How does it work in London (Score 1) 230

Never mind mass transit. My experiences of a few suburban areas of the states strongly suggest that they need to consider footpaths along with roads first. Once they get the hang of allowing pedestrians space enough to not have to dance with the gargantuan engineering failures they consider cars the work could move on to public transport.

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