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Journal Journal: OpenZFS 2.2 data corruption issue, high reliability alternatives

There is a rare but repeatable bug in all versions of OpenZFS that silently corrupts data. This includes the pre- releases. 2.2.1 seems to reduce the odds of it happening but does not fix the issue.

From the reports I'm seeing, it would appear that nobody actually understands how ZFS (or Btrfs, for that matter) actually works, they're limited to whatever component they've specialised in.

Linux has a kernel mechanism for improving data reliability on filing systems that support it - dm-integrity.

I've no idea how well tested this component is. I don't recall ever having heard of it before. A quick Google suggests that it works but is very slow, though I would inagine it will improve with time.

Phoronix, OpenZFS Data Corruption Battle
TRUENAS, Corruption with OpenZFS ongoing
YCombinator, OpenZFS silent corruption bug
Level 1 Techs, OpenZFS silent corruption bug

OpenZFS is not included in the Linux kernel by default dud to licensing issues, but I believe it is currently developed on Linux and ported to other OS'. (Wikipedia says that this has been the case since 2013.) It now runs in the kernel, so it's a lot faster than it was when it worked with Fuse.

Wikipedia, OpenZFS

This is a high performance, high reliability filing system, so data corruption is really bad news. It's designed for the enterprise and outclasses Microsoft's RefFS on essentially every stat. Irs main disadvantage is that it is resource-intensive, although the license is another important issue.

One drawback with OpenZFS is that it doesn't currently support RAID. Which is odd, given the intended market.

Interestingly, I don't know of any cloud providers or corporations that actually use OpenZFS. Ext4 tends to be more popular, at the expense of enterprise features.

Oracle has re-closed Solaris' ZFS, so the two filesystems are no longer compatible. But as effectively nobody uses Oracle Solaris, this doesn't matter much.

I guess the main takeaways with the current OpenZFS bug are that filing systems are becoming too complex for the hunt-and-peck approach often used in both commercial and open source projects, and that the popularity of other filing systems in OpenZFS' own domain suggests that feature-rich filesystems might actually be the wrong approach.


Journal Journal: Bonus Second Smitty Conspiracy in the Same Week! 42

Because of course all hard-core GOP fanbois want our country to thrive and everyone to do well, smitty followed up with this concrete prediction:

all of the de-railings, power grid drops, and overt terrorist strikes occur next year.

Which somehow relates to the things that haven't changed at the border since Biden's inauguration in 2021.


Journal Journal: Another Smitty Conspiracy Bubbles Up! 50

I don't know if something happened to his turkey at Thanksgiving, but Smitty is now proudly parading a new anti-Biden conspiracy here on slasdhot for us:

BHO stayed in DC after DJT was sworn in to manage the anti-Trump resistance, and then install a meat puppet in 2020.

Because apparently now it is a crime for anyone who is not of the Trump-publican party to ever be seen in Washington DC after they are no longer an elected official. Does this mean that the images of Obama surfing in Hawaii after the dawn of the Trump Administration were deepstate fakes? And that he never actually moved back to the Chicago area at all? And that he didn't actually fly to Davos? How many body doubles are out running around in place of Obama to distract us from this air-tight conspiracy?

And more importantly, how many of Trump's failures can be blamed on this directly?

Of course, don't forget that this all ties to Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Don't forget about that scary, scary, scary, oh-so-very scary, I-hope-you're-super-duper-terrified-now, scary, did-I-mention-scary, middle name!

In a more rational universe, the GOP would be trying to run a competent and intelligent candidate for POTUS. Instead they have a fascist idiot running on his ego, whipping his cult into a frenzy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: damn_registrars for the Trifecta 58

It's almost a left-handed form of poetry:

You certainly didn't accuse GWB of being a stand-in for his father, or of his father of being a stand-in for Reagan just because they brought a lot of people with from previous administrations.


The only reason why your Dear Leader had possibly fewer people in his administration who were from previous administrations of his same party were because he was fond of having ass-kissing yes men underneath him. Had he been smart enough to hire intelligent and qualified people (which of course he is and was himself neither) he would have likely had an administration that looked a lot like that of GWB.


Naturally, hiring ass-kissing yes men for an administration is also a common trait of a fascist leader. Fascists like your Dear Leader often lack thick enough skin to handle being told they are wrong in any way, shape, or form.

Ad hominem


Stay beautiful, d_r: stay_beautiful.

The Military

Journal Journal: What is the Netanyahu Gaza End Game? 66

Conservatives have been tripping over each other to praise Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They claim that the Israeli attacks on Gaza are somehow very precise and targeted. He claims that Hamas is the target, and that they will eradicate Hamas.

The question I haven't seen answered though is what will he do with Gaza when/if he accomplishes that goal? Conservatives here and in Israel are happy to allow people to confuse Hamas with Gaza, and even more so Hamas with the population of Gaza. But even if he found a list of everyone who is part of Hamas and had them all killed, what happens then?

It is important to note that Hamas has a majority in the politics of Gaza because Israel has ensured they would. Israel has prevented elections from happening in Gaza, and now there has not been one there for 15 years. There are already people who have been elected, died, and not been replaced. Simultaneously because Israel controls immigration in and out of Gaza, they have prevented people from leaving.

So what would happen if all of Hamas were indeed killed off in this conflict? You then have a country with no ruling government. We've seen that the Netanyahu government does not want to see elections happen in Gaza, nor does it want to see people achieve any kind of economic or geopolitical mobility from within Gaza. Who then will they acknowledge as the leaders of Gaza?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Blasphemy Against St. George Floyd 7

via d_r's favorite blog, PowerLine

Alpha News presents The Fall of Minneapolis. Alpha has just posted the crowdfunded film to Rumble (video below) so that it can be seen free of charge by the widest possible audience. The film is also accessible online at The Fall of Minneapolis. Viewers can contribute to support Alpha's work and help promote the film here. I attended the film's premiere at a showing for invited guests on Tuesday evening at a local theater. Hayley Feland reported on the premiere in this Alpha story. The film is based on Alpha News journalist Liz Collin's Amazon bestseller Theyâ(TM)re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd. The book and the film provide a contrarian take on the prevailing narrative surrounding George Floyd's death and the trial of Derek Chauvin as well as a powerful portrait of the consequences for Minneapolis.

I understand that contradicting a Holy Narrative this way makes me, somehow, personally culpable for every bad thing that ever happened to anyone with relatively more skin pigment than I, if I have understood the Doctrine of Equity correctly. If only I could have cared less, I suppose.

Sardonic humor aside, George Floyd's death is tragic. The ripple effects, in my opinion, have piled evil upon tragedy, and have not fully run their course. The country badly needs reform from the individual heart on outward.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Security is still a low priority 8

It would appear, on the face of the above links, that developers still take shortcuts and don't program defensively, and that IT departments avoid applying security fixes and are not taking other protective measures (such as encrypting databases).

Cybersecurity, from the looks of things, is something that is simply never taken seriously. An optional extra that poses no consequences if not applied.

The consequences can be severe. The number of people at risk In Maine from identity theft runs into the millions. The loss of privacy from the intensive care ward that was recently hacked may have severe financial and employment consequences.

And yet neither programmers nor IT managers are altering their behaviour, despite the potential for enormous consequences to those they are responsible for.

Libertarians would argue that people can switch providers, but some providers are either de facto monopolies or natural monopolies. In other cases, there's no evidence that any of the alternatives are any better. Market forces don't function when there's no functional market.

But what's the alternative? There's no evidence regulation is helping, where regulations exist and are meaningfully enforced. It's just considered the cost of doing business.

What, then, would actually help?


Journal Journal: The real Trump gets just as much support 71

I've pointed out more than a few times that Trump - and the GOP under him - is a fascist party that hopes itself to be on the rise. There is plenty of video now of Trump directly borrowing Nazi rhetoric at a rally to get his supporters riled up. Naturally, because like any other fascist - aspiring or otherwise - he cannot allow himself to be wrong in front of a crowd, he had his campaign actually dial it forward rather than back in response to concerns raised by the public.

One odd little twist in that line - a likely whistle for his supporters - he still called his opponents "fascists" in his bit. Not a surprise there, of course, as his party has favored attacking the English Language itself for some time. I expect they'll come up with a cheerier word for their movement than fascism, to better sell it to their supporters.
User Journal

Journal Journal: "a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution" 46

Inside Mike Johnson's Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution

For the last 10 years, the "Convention of States" movement has sought to remake the Constitution and force a tea party vision of the framers' intent upon America. This group wants to wholesale rewrite wide swaths of the U.S. Constitution in one fell swoop. In the process, they hope to do away with regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, virtually eliminate the federal government's ability to borrow money, and empower state legislatures to override federal law.

Now, fustakrakitch rightly blames the voters for the collapse of everything around us, but goes Full Bircher at the idea of those voters supporting a Convention of States

I endorse the COS as the only likely shot at improvement. If we can "just add a variable" (as fustakrakitch put it) The Powers That Be variable isn't going to accept any sort of reform.

What's needed is some analysis. The original, agrarian, island nation Constitution of 1787 is like a local machine script in your tool of choice that was put in production and has simply become swamped. The basic ideas, as Amended, are largely sound, but the feedback loops that should keep it stabilized were removed a century back by Woodrow, and the system has gone unstable.

Congress doesn't actually legislate; the Executive and its agencies (alphabet organizations especially) run amok and essentially unchecked; the sclerotic SCOTUS is awash in Commie fools and trying not to get shot for making feeble attempts to preserve the Constitution.

Mike Johnson seems like a straight shooter, but may prove too little, too late. We'll see. America can be great again, but there is much Commie folly that needs to be puked out to get the country back on course, and the Eminence Orange cannot be the only means of getting there.


Journal Journal: How Did iTunes Turn Out So Badly? 9

Yes, this is a silly first world problem.

But my job requires me to interact with my work iPhone more often than a lot of people in my age bracket would otherwise do voluntarily. My work provides me with both an iPhone and a Chevy Equinox (both of which are due to be replaced in the next 6 months or less). Using the two together has been ... interesting.

For reference I'm complaining about a 2021 Equinox, and an iPhone 12. This is more about the latter than the former.

I will argue that iTunes is a mess in two important places. First, in the car it is worthless. Second, on my work laptop (which runs windows) it is awful when I most need it to be useful.

In the car, I would think that iTunes would be a competent music player. I am sorely disappointed on that expectation. I imagine it does a good job playing music, but in the car is has no index or search function. I can't even call for Siri to play music for me. If I start iTunes in the car (simply as "Music" in the car through CarPlay), it shows me the 10 tracks I listened to most recently. I have thousands of tracks that I took the time to copy to my iTunes library, and it arbitrarily tells me about the ones with the most recent time stamps. If I don't want to listen to those, I don't get any other options in the car.

By comparison if I instead put all that music on a USB stick and plug it in to the USB port on my dash, my car will let me search through it all I want. It tragically does a completely horse-shit job of playing tracks in order from an album, but it at least lets me seek them out however I want while I'm driving.

Second, iTunes makes one really terrible assumption on the laptop. This assumption has bit me twice now when I've been away from home with my phone and my laptop. I've tried to install an IOS update on my phone through my laptop, which should be straightforward. Connect to iTunes, start the install. Great. Then it reboots the phone to continue. Then it downloads more stuff to complete the download, or it checks something against something else online, or it sends money to the upkeep of the Steve Jobs museum, or it does some other internet stuff.

Not great.

Why is that not great? Because I'm using my phone as my hotspot. And now the phone has been rebooted into a state that it can't escape from until that next step is completed online. And my laptop can't get online because it has no hotspot available. Around and around we go, until the phone gives up and eventually reboots to only show an address:

Which, for reasons already mentioned, I can't load. Eventually I find another way to get online where I learn the secret code to reboot the phone, which doesn't help. Then I drive to some place with good WiFi and try again, with a different secret gesture on the phone. I "update" - which means recover in a non-destructive manner in this case - my phone and then it's working again.

Yeah, yeah. First world problems. I expect smitty will respond telling me that Barack Obama is behind this, presumably trying to slow down senior citizens from voting in Florida to help Biden's reelection chances. Fusta will respond telling me that if I voted all third-party in 2024 this problem would be guaranteed to go away by November 12th.


Journal Journal: Will the GOP Kill Democracy Outright This Time? 16

We saw in 2021 that the GOP is not fond of democracy when it doesn't work out in their favor. They stormed the capitol for their Dear Leader and have sewn seeds of conspiracy and hatred since then as well. In a recently closed JE here on slashdot a question came up of what the GOP might do if their Dear Leader loses a third time in 2024 .

Cheering for His Team as usual, smitty offered only :

I would suggest running a clean election, but I fear the sun has set on those days until there is enough power to make reform happen despite the liars.

Which certainly is in line with their Dear Leader's ongoing refusal to accept the 2020 results as valid, and also likely sufficient kindling for another group of rabid conservatives to try for another insurrection.

As a side note, I'll give him credit for getting close(r) to the original topic of the JE by the end. The JE was about what His Team would do in the USHouse with a new speaker installed. He jettisoned that topic to praise a convicted murderer for a while, and then eventually went back to instead praising a fascist who has yet to win the presidential vote.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Dude, Zombie Joe is barely alive! 17

I think you've beaten that silly GOP-endorsed refrain heavily enough. It doesn't match up to reality. You might as well go back to your old "president potted plant" bit instead, it makes more sense. Just because he doesn't say something stupid enough to make the front page of every newspaper every day - like your own Dear Leader - doesn't mean he's "barely alive". In several important metrics he is in better physical health than your Dear Leader.

Slashdot poll: Who thinks the ZOTUS is mentally competent for the office?

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Slide Into Totalitarianism Is Scary 69

Wow, the eagerness to embrace Correct Thought, where "liberals" used to cling to a benefit of the doubt, is worrisome.

One can only surmise that totalitarian states in prior centuries had similar non-inquisitive cheerleaders.

Global warming/climate change/; elections; police tragedy; international conflict: the willingness to fellate the first Narrative provided by the Zampolit, without question, bodes poorly for recovering the Republic from the ongoing crash.

I need to keep you guys in prayer.
User Journal

Journal Journal: War against civilization 5

So it is done, this world has gone more mad than I could ever imagine. I just tried leaving a few comments on some videos on youtube and all of a sudden all of my comments were deleted and I got a popup warning that youtube will not only delete my comments but it will delete my account if I make more comments on the topic. What topic is that? It is the war against civilization, the war that the Islamists started against Israel but it is now the war of the collectivists, who are on the side of terrorists against civilization itself.

Hamas, Islam, Muslims, to me there is no difference, there are 2 billion of them on this planet and we are at war at this point, I am certain that this war will be the bloodiest yet and the biggest problem is that the left, the collectivists of all sorts are now dead set against their own interests. It is hilarious to think how all of these gays, lesbians, transgendered morons would be treated in a place like Palestine, like the Saudi Arabia or Rwanda. They would be stoned to death at best.

AFAIC we are now in the worst possible situation, where the people who should be on the side of civilization have lost their collective minds and are ready to give the world up to the animals that are ready to destroy the very civilization that allows these collectivist idiots to exist in the first place. This is the new low for this pathetic society. They are now on the side of terrorists and yes, I call all Islamists and Muslims terrorists and I don't apologize for it, religion is a choice, it is not the color of anyone's skin and Islam is the religion of terrorism, of murdering children, women, men, anyone who is not a Muslim is a target. This war will be global, it will be local, it will be everywhere, with morons like the collectivists are showing themselves to be I doubt very much that the Western values will be able to survive this.

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