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Comment Re:Where did the ACs go? (Score 1) 31

There's no such thing as 'hate speech' any more than there's such a thing as 'blasphemy.' It's a bullshit fallacy designed to shield broken ideology from criticism. This is what the 'snowflake' epithet implies. Reversing it as you've done doesn't make much sense.

Germans have a responsibility not to browse sites illegal in their country. There's no reason the rest of us should have our lives dumbed down to the lowest common denominator calculated from a global catalog of verboten expression, especially since it comes from oppressive regimes that still cannot handle political criticism. If shitty ascii art is illegal in your country, you've got bigger problems than random internet discussion. If you're offended by it, you've got personal problems. That said, the filter system already exists and those who can't handle the heat can just browse at +2 to +5. I see no reason why an entire community should be dumbed down just to deter squabblings between a couple of users who can't be bothered to /ignore bullshit.

Like you, I have no idea who would be in charge if the culture was zero-tolerance. In all likelihood, we wouldn't have had much of a choice in selection of leaders as we wouldn't have had much of a democracy. Free speech is critically important to free society, much more than personal feelings.

Comment Re:Where did the ACs go? (Score 1) 31

Perhaps the editors have decided their narratives are too important to be sullied with inconvenient counterarguments. The implications made in the headlines/summaries of the posted articles suggest the possibility. That, or maybe they're trying to shut down apk and ascii art spam.

Neither reason is an excuse to kill anon posts.

Comment Re:We can declare some groups are a protected clas (Score 1) 627

And we can't just write it off as "Men are attracted to women for biological reasons" because homosexuality is common in nature.

these two are not mutually exclusive. It's likely true that both orientations are root in biology. Of course, the current crop of lunatics thinks everything is a 'social construct.' I guess 'born that way' wasn't 'nuanced' enough for them to redefine as they please to get their way.

That said, I've never once heard anyone say "Asshole" or "Internet Troll" is a protective class.

'Asshole' is subjective. Two people could easily consider each other assholes while you consider both reasonable people with a disagreement. 'Troll' has a specific meaning, but the word has been abused to the point of meaninglessness. Now it just means 'someone whose ideas I disagree with yet can't muster a counterargument.'

Comment Re: Slashdot wants us to pity 8chan (Score -1, Troll) 627

True. Does/should this right of free association also apply to religious bakers choosing not to make wedding cakes for gay couples? How about private clubs choosing not to allow muslims or blacks? No, of course that's somehow completely different.

It's hilarious how quickly the left comes to the defense of free association when it works in their favor, especially after all the time spent equivocating it with jim crow laws.

Comment Re:Of course... (Score 5, Insightful) 381

If they can't be bothered to get such a basic, well known acronym correct, then I have to wonder about their technical chops. When 'tech' journalists do this, it is almost always a dead giveaway that they do not know much more than the average joe and should not be taken seriously. This has been understood for decades now. zdnet has always been laughable. It's just that a lot of other sites now share this condition and have joined it at the bottom feeding table.

You're ignoring the fact that the press jumps all over anything that doesn't conform to certain narratives, probably because you agree with them. They wait with baited breath for someone on their watchlist like Torvalds to commit a 'violation' they can point and screech about like the chuckleheads they are.

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