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Comment Re: Why is this not easy? (Score 1) 21

In C or C++, use the FILE and DATE macros. FILE includes the complete path, so something built on my machine is not the same as something built on your machine. And DATE is different if you re-compile in ten minutes.

If you build on a multi core system, it might matter which files finish compiling in which order. And some compilers are just non-deterministic. I used a compiler where the amount of optimisations was dependent on available memory.

Comment Re: Sounds like the current censoring of TikTok (Score 1) 53

Right now, if you are in China, WhatsApp is gone. If they had alternative stores, they would be told to remove WhatsApp, and if they donâ(TM)t comply, Apple would be ordered to remove the store. Which they would do very reluctantly.

If you managed to install it in another way, and the authorities find out, I wouldnâ(TM)t want to be in your place.

Comment My suggestion (Score 1) 108

Browsers can have a list of websites that donâ(TM)t get any personal information. Any decent browser would support that. Any website must use an API that checks if it is in the list (the browser does the work). The user can at any time tell the browser to disallow or allow access to personal data; if it was already allowed and the site ignored it someone in authority will be told.

So if I want adverts and disallowed them, I go into a menu to allow it, the site gets refreshed, and shows me the ads I was missing so much. Or I disallow them and Iâ(TM)m never bothered again.

Comment Re: Any engineers here know anything about seawall (Score 1) 68

That's for the entire bay, though? San Francisco the city only needs about 14 miles of seawall. Then it's another 50+ miles to San Jose, and 65+ miles up to Richmond point. I would imagine each city will tackle the problem different as they're in different counties, different soil types and most importantly different elevations

Comment Re:VLOGGER, Google's equivalent, released last mon (Score 2) 13

In "Infinite Jest," (1996) David Foster Wallace recounts a fictional history of video phones in which people eventually quit using them because people couldn't resist the temptation to increasingly embellish their appearance until it was all fictional and served no purpose.

Comment Re:Pretty on point... (Score 2) 42

Even without a totally different sort of compute resource, I think algorithmic development (steady, or sudden) may very well reduce the compute required by 99% or more. The fact that EVERY parameter, reflecting ALL knowledge about EVERYTHING on the internet, is used every time for generating each and every word (token)... that can't be necessary. Mixture of experts models (or something) will fix this.

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