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Submission + - Email your disinformation to the Whitehouse (

CoffeePlease writes: "The Whitehouse blog has announced a new way to report "disinformation" directly to the government. Here's your chance to turn in your neighbors, Nigerian scammers, senators, or friends that have sent you one too many chain emails.

"Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to""


Submission + - Nicotine improves brain function in schizophrenics ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Nicotine enhances attention and memory in schizophrenics, says a study that supports the development of new treatments which could relieve symptoms and prevent smoking-related deaths.

A strong link between schizophrenia and smoking — with over three times as many schizophrenics smoking (70 to 90%) as the population at large — prompted scientists to investigate the link.

Researchers led by Ruth Barr, a psychiatrist at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, set out to find if the nicotine in cigarettes was helping patients to overcome their difficulties with cognitive function, such as planning and memory in social and work settings.

Comment Probably not ftp's fault (Score 1) 359

More like you were attacked through one of the many http or sql injection attacks that are constantly being run out there. Which is not to say you aren't right - everything else uses encryption so why not FTP?

Comment I tried to solve this last fall. (Score 2, Interesting) 167

I had to attend a workshop which required we have 100 or more white papers on tap and easy to read. I looked at all sorts of devices and settled on an Acer Aspire 1 netbook. None of the ebook readers at the time were good at PDF's. The Acer wasn't even close to perfect, but it did the job for that workshop. It has a fairly wide screen but I would prefer something larger, vanishingly thin, flexible and foldable. Oh, and it should run the application "Papers" by

Comment Google is giving half a million ebooks to Sony (Score 1) 107

I am not worried about Google controlling all these ebooks since they seem to be giving them away - at least the out-of-copyright ones. See these articles for examples. I'm not sure how they will deal with spreading around IN-copyright books. Google gives away half a million books to Sony eBook Storeâ¦. challenge to Amazon?? Academic libraries pave a new path away from Google

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