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Comment Re:Neutron Jack (Score 1) 289

You are reacting to this like it's an unprecedented new policy that Amazon just thought up. I can assure you it is not. Most of the objections people are raising were found in previous examples like Motorola, IBM add Microsoft. I remember when stack ranking was causing literally the problems discussed at Microsoft in the 2000s, and they have since ended the practice. Abandoning it has certainly not hurt their stock price.

Comment Anyone have more details (Score 2) 157

Does anyone know the extent of the damage beyond "They got hacked"? Are they having to rebuild their SCADA system from the ground up? Or did they not actually have any way of reaching their various remote PLCs without just hooking them up to the internet, and now they're trying to figure out some other way?

Comment The most likely reason (Score 1) 95

was in Swift's tweets: They intended to block a certain address as personal information, i.e. "Hey everyone let's go kick this guys ass at 12345 example drive in Memphis!" but accidentally blocked the individual components. So you might also gotten blocked for "12345 example drive", or possibly for "12345", "example", and "drive", in addition to "Memphis". "Memphis" was just the part that people ran into first.

Comment Nonsense (Score 1) 65

This article is nonsense. Whatever Sapiens' faults, it isn't merely repeating general knowledge. Harari is greatly overestimating the average person's understanding of human history. The article also says that Darwin didn't discover evolution, but only wrote a book about what Wallace found out, but the consensus today is the same as it was then, that Darwin and Wallace both had all the key ideas figured out independently.

Comment This all seems to stem from YouTube (Score 1) 166

Every time I hear about one of these cascade account bans, it seems to originate from a YouTube account. The last big one of these I heard about was when a ton of Markiplier fans were banned for "spamming" in a livestream chat, likewise getting their entire google accounts banned. Nevermind that they were asked to do this by the streamer, and it was hurting nobody; account bans for spamming a livestream chat is insane. This is why I don't and won't post, comment, or do anything on YouTube. I watch quite a bit of twitch, and YouTube has been trying to move into that space, but it will be a cold day in hell before I do anything interactive there. I might migrate to afreecaTV or whatever the hell the chinese are offering, at the most they might try to scam me out of my money. Google seems interested in trying to steal your whole life.

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