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Comment Re:Firsted (Score -1, Offtopic) 38

You're proving me correct. The fact that I was able to even post a first was partly what I was lamenting. Also there's an anti science and evil streak coming in, perfectly illustrated by the fact that you want me to die in a fire. Look at my UID you cunt, I've been here nearly as long as you have. I usually post factual content and get modded troll these days, it is a disgrace, not seeking knowledge, seeking to bully and cajole free thinkers.

Comment BBC should know Propaganda (Score 1) 74

As purveyors of the finest propaganda and gaslighting in the world.

#BBC , the nations LEAST trusted news service & broadcaster.

* It admitted it would not expose the prime ministers lies "for fear of undermining public faith in democracy."
* guilty of placing actors to pose as members of the public on so-called "public debate" programs falsifying public opinion to support their narrative
* instrumental in the Austerity lie and the drip feed campaign buttering up the public to accept it, therefore facilitating the deaths and suffering that caused
* guilty of ignoring purdah, falsifying and lying about parties during a general election, even photoshopping the leader of the opposition as a russian spy standing outside the kremlin.

The BBC are untrustworthy and have no right to accuse others of this rancid practice when they are one of the best and most accomplished propagandists on the planet whose actions have far reaching consequences.

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