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Comment Re:It's just a tool! (Score 1) 157

If you are reading a paper book they can see that you are reading a paper book, and (if they can see enough of the cover) what book you are reading.

One of the advantages of books on shelves is that they tell you a lot about people's tastes and interests, and from that become a starting point for conversation etc.

It may not look like a big difference from the readers point of view, but from others point of view a paper book is very different.

Comment Re:I used to like the GPL (Score 1) 94

More and more, academics are releasing their code under the BSD/ISC licences because they realise that because they are receiving public money to fund their code and research, by dint of this, they must release the results of that money to the public in a maximally free way,

That amounts to the public paying for all the bakeries ingredients, and then the bakery sells bread back to the public. Yes, that's a pretty ideal system for the baker; not such a good deal for the public though. Why are they funding the baker's ingredients exactly?

Exactly. I wonder how many of the academics choosing BSD like licences are later setting up businesses that use closed source derivatives of that code? That way, they can close the code, regardless of whether they personally hold the copyright or not, and including any outside contributions.

Comment Re:Feel the bern! (Score 2) 212

An interesting definition of socialism certainly "a bit less right wing than the other right wing party". One of the strange things about American politics is that the US has not had a left wing part for a long time, if ever. The UK is like that now (Corbyn aside) and it seems the way things are going.

Neil Kinnock, the former leader of the British Labour party told a story in an interview about an American woman you looked at him in astonishment and said "You can't be socialists, you're too nice".

A lot of the world (most of Europe for a start) has had numerous socialist governments without any more murder than under right wing governments. Oh, you mean communists? Different from socialists, and no American government has been anywhere near being either.

Comment Re:This JVM stuff is BS (Score 1) 121

Not true. Clojure is dynamically typed, Frege has the same type system as Haskell and is pure functional. Ioke is prototype based. Jython is source compatible with other python implementations Python. These are not just syntactic sugar.

The JVM is becoming less limited with each release

Comment Re:UK Schools (Score 1) 112

Its much worse though surely. It is as hard to recruit teachers as for maths or science, AND the number of teachers required has suddenly increased. The govt think they can fix it by retraining ICT teachers, but as the GP points out they do not have any real coputer science or coding background. Retraining them to teach computing is like retraining PE teachers to teach maths.

Comment Re:Things are starting to turn around (Score 2) 303

The SSL core team all appear to be professionals.

I have not checked, but most of the contributors probably are too.

The same is true of most big open source projects (like the Linux Kernel).

The differences are:

1) There is better disclosure of bugs in open source
2) some bugs can be discovered by third party audit (as the GNUTLS bug was)

Comment Re:Who really looks at the DJIA? (Score 1) 218

The headline is misleading: its "high share price", not "too big". Its perfectly possible for a small company to have a high share price.

Share prices can be much higher, Berkshire Hathaway has a price of 103,000

The main reason the Dow is used by the media, is because ignorant financial journalists think its the best measure - it is in their terms, where "best" means most brand recognition.

The only legitimate reason for using it is for long term comparisons: it has existed a lot longer than the S & P 500, or any properly constructed index.

Full explanation here http://moneyterms.co.uk/dow-jones/

Comment Re:What an over sensationalist title (Score 1) 899

The device manufacturers will almost certainly provide OEM Window's pre-installs, signed with their own keys, which will be changed at intervals.

That way, you will not be able to upgrade to a new version of Windows, reducing product life cycle, increasing hardware sales. Very bad for the environment.

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