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Comment Re:Just another push for China (Score 1) 179

No... maybe at one point... but today? It's just excess profits for billionaires and corporations and a few cheap products that incent exactly the opposite behavior that we need-- such as $2.39 per gallon gasoline in the U.S. this year when it was still about $7 per gallon in the rest of the world.

Comment Fix (Score 4, Interesting) 91

I have a 100% fix for the last mile problem.

Local Utility Company, that owns and maintains fiber.

All fiber brought back to a COLO facility where Vendors offer their services to the local utility customers, directly AT the COLO facility. Choice to the Consumer. The COLO and Fiber are maintained with fees extracted as part of the rental agreement between the vendors and the local Utility CO.

A consumer purchases service from the vendor(s) of their choice directly, based on their desires and needs. No Government needs to be involved. Increase Options creates competition.

Its a wonder smart people haven't figured out that Government Franchise Agreements has stagnated the status quo into doing nothing.

Comment Re:Fool's Day aside (Score 1) 8

Let's remember what day it is: The process happened to align to take effect today, nothing more.

Nowadays, young people also see the internet as a black-box full of truth - Everything you mentioned, old people are far more likely to have trouble with. It's old people, not young people, who fell for the "Ivermectin prevents (virus)" bullshit. Indian scammers target old people, not young people, because they know that old conservatives are dumb and gullible as fuck and therefore make easy marks.

Comment Re:Just another push for China (Score 1) 179

Or were you really just trying to derail the conversation about potentially addressing the climate change to give us a chance of limiting the increase to about +2C.

But it's clear to many of us that +3C is really on the table. There will be enough carbon put out by 2049 to ensure that.

Right now, there is enough carbon in the air already to get us to +2.15C. It's just going to take some time- like water on the pot takes time to boil when you put heat under it.

Comment Re:Just another push for China (Score 1) 179

My info in the post above was out of date...
See the Reuters article:
"Total spending on fuel subsidies topped $7 trillion in 2022, IMF says"
By Libby George
August 24, 20238:06 AM CDT

However, the cost of carbon capture probably has increased too, so it's a red queen's race and likely costs $21 trillion now.

But note the aggressive down-modding and censorship...

It's clear things are going to get really bad and people will *STILL* be in denial then.

Comment Re:Just another push for China (Score 1) 179

Actually... My info was out of date.

See the IMF article, "Fossil Fuel Subsidies Surged to Record $7 Trillion
Scaling back subsidies would reduce air pollution, generate revenue, and make a major contribution to slowing climate change
Simon Black, Ian Parry, Nate Vernon
August 24, 2023"

However the carbon capture cost has probably increased since I swagged it 18 months ago when the first carbon capture plant articles started circulating.

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