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Comment Re:time to port gnome! (Score 1) 828

Qt already permits linking from non-GPL-compatible code. It has exceptions for virtually every major license, so your code could even be BSD-licensed and closed source if you don't mind giving Nokia/TrollTech the code on request.

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 0) 779

Religious discrimination spans far more than inclusion-based "only religion may work here". It also includes obvious things such as EXCLUSION "Satanists can't work here".

Perhaps a better example: you turn someone down because they admit to finding stealing acceptable; they come back with a claim it's part of their religion. Do you, in this scenario, have to hire them to avoid religious discrimination?

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 0, Flamebait) 779

Nothing wrong with religious discrimination. Do you really want to waste time interviewing obvious idiots (or at least people who don't care to investigate the claims of their religion)? Do you really want to consider hiring people who believe it is okay to lie, cheat, and steal?

Obviously, this is a very backward case, but not because it's religious discrimination.

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