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Submission + - 4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump (medium.com)

asjk writes: Article describes how the young, disaffected users not only helped elect Donald Trump but also "invented the meme as we use it today." Further, the author claims Anonymous arose from the users utilizing discussion forums without becoming members, hence, anonymous.

Comment Any end in sight? (Score 0) 46

The US seems unable to insure information. One hears of action by the US government that are offensive in nature, such as alleged hacks of state actors or in defeating encryption. What is being done about infosec defense? The most encouraging thing I've heard in the business community is from Bank of America where CEO Brian T. Moynihan said, "The only place in the company that doesn’t have a budget constraint is. . ." cyber. He further notes they spend > $400M for this purpose. Anyhow, the vibe is that things are getting worse and the good guys are losing. One's individual security is already a part time job if one is being diligent.

Comment RTFA, There is a reason it's linked (Score 1) 539

As with possible many of you I hated the quote above. I read the article looking for a good Twitter length summary and found there is more to it then what one might believe. Not to belabor things here is a quote toward the end. "Ad-blocking has been a consumer plebiscite; as former Mozilla executive Darren Herman noted at the IAB Ad Operations Summit a few months back, the software offered consumers a vote â" and they have voted no on chaos, opacity, and slowness". Sounds pretty insightful. I didn't agree with many thing therein but give it a read.

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