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Comment Lotus? AOL? Compuserve? MySpace? Yahoo!? (Score 1) 250


These are just some of the companies that were once considered "dominant" in their various spaces, and then got utterly decimated by the passage of time.
While there may eventually be companies with the endurance and dominance of IBM or General Electric in the Internet space, it is hubris to say it is any of today's current companies. Their future is unwritten, and the mighty have fallen over and over again throughout history.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 227

The problem that the article illustrates is that once you use BingeOn to watch your HBO shows, your data is throttled to 1.5Mbps for EVERYTHING.

You may want to watch a 1080P movie from a non-BingeOn source (understanding that it will count against your data limits), but the movie is just unwatchable at 1.5Mbps. It will glitch/freeze/stutter, audio drops, etc.

With BingeOn, I signed up for zero-rating of appropriate providers, and 4G LTE bandwidth and speed of all other providers.
Now it turns out I cannot watch any 1080P video source, and other data is also severely limited.

Comment Re:But.. that's exactly what they SAID it does. (Score 1) 227

More details from the article:

If the video is more than 480p and the server sending the video doesn’t have a way to reduce or adapt the bitrate of the video as it’s being streamed, the result is stuttering and uneven streaming—exactly the opposite of the experience T-Mobile claims their “optimization” will have.

Given the difference between what T-Mobile implies they do and what we found, we contacted them to get clarification. They confirmed that they don’t do any actual optimization of video streams other than reducing the bandwidth allocated to them (and relying on the provider to notice, and adapt the bitrate accordingly).

Comment Re:But.. that's exactly what they SAID it does. (Score 1) 227

I have noticed that since "Binge On" has been enabled, I've been unable to watch "non-Binge" video from other sources.
If I try to watch 1080p Video, (knowing full well that it will count against my data), the video stutters, freezes, pauses, etc.

This article is suggesting that because I have "Binge On" for apps like HBOGo, I've lost the ability to effectively watch any HD video.

THAT is the complaint and the problem.

Comment Re:North Pole (Score 5, Insightful) 496

You'd only be partially correct.

There are actually multiple solutions:

1.) North Pole (one mile south, one west, and one north brings you back to the north pole)
2.) A ring of points approximately 2 miles just north of the the south pole, such that when you walk one mile south, you're even closer to the pole, then walk one mile west, going completely "around the world", back to where you started your westward travel, and one mile north, bringing you back to your original position.

Comment Why I have an AOL email. (Score 1) 461

My primary account is Gmail, however, I still have an AOL address.

First, I was not an AOL user; I was an AOL Employee.
In that regards, it is a bit of my employment history.

When I first signed up for StackOverflow, they supported OpenID, the only site I had at the time that also supported OpenID was AOL.
So I know many people look down on AOL, but remember that they had OpenID before most other sites.
As a result, my StackOverflow account is tied to my AOL address.

And I'm really not ashamed of it.

Comment Re:wtf (Score 4, Insightful) 94


Does the prosecution not have a legal duty to turn over potentially excuplatory evidence??

"In many countries, including the United States, police and prosecutors are required to disclose to the defendant exculpatory evidence they possess before the defendant enters a plea (guilty or not guilty)."

Comment Re:Strange terms? (Score 1) 226

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that fairness and justice has something to do with this.
It doesn't.

It is about the simple exercise of power.
The record companies *can* take everything... so they *do* take everything, right or wrong.

The alternative would've been that Grooveshark fights a losing battle in court for years or a decade, only to lose everything in the end anyway.

Comment STEM *is* Humanities (Score 3) 397

Anyone who believes that STEM education is purely about learning equations and diagrams does not get it.

STEM is about organizing ones thoughts for clarity, something "humanities" strives to do, and in trying, often misses the mark by a wide berth.

Science is about creating a hypothesis, devising a sensible test, and understanding the results fully, in complete context.

Technology is about organizing complex systems, the attributes of each piece, their interrelations, and understanding how to modify and improve the overall system. Whether it is a mechanical machine, a computer network, or a community of people, studying technology is studying organization. This is the same goal as sociology, but done better.

Math is about taking a complex problem, reducing it into component pieces, addressing each one properly, and combining the individual results back into an overarching conclusion, just as a well written essay would do.

The best engineers are humanities students. Not because they also took liberal arts classes in college, but because they understand that Engineering is far more than solving math problems.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 677

The Right Way is this:

bool SomeFunc(void)
        bool success;
                success = DoStep1();
                if (!success) break;

                success = DoStep2();
                if (!success) break;

                success = DoStep3();
                if (!success) break;
        } while(0);

        if (!success) /* Do Cleanup */

        return success;

This is "better" because break will only leave a single scope, and only go forward.
With goto, you could go anywhere, leave any scope, enter any scope... and even go backwards.

Comment University Topics are one thing, but.... (Score 2) 438

I'm a computer programmer, and encounter plenty of people with "various credentials" from "various nations".
It may be frustrating and annoying, but thats life.

However, I'm also a Private Pilot, and what truly terrified me in flight school was the foreign students who came to the USA to start on their Professional Pilot training, and cheated their way through the tests. They cheated through the written tests simply because they were goofing off and not paying attention in class.
The tests were entirely fair and passable if you paid attention in class and did the homework. But they chose not to, cheated through the tests (were occasionally angry when they were caught.... they were *paying* a lot for this education! Didn't you know... they *deserved* to pass for how much they were paying!)

It wasn't only the pilots. Several studying to be aircraft mechanics (in another class) were also caught cheating.
I know a student from a Air Traffic Control program who had several Chinese nationals in her class, and they were cheating their way through.
(not just a few questions or a few percentage points... but wholly cheating on entire exams).

Much of Asia likely has incompetent pilots flying improperly maintained aircraft, and directed by incompetent Air Traffic Controllers. I will never fly over there after what I saw.

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