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Comment Quality is also on speed of delivery. (Score 1) 349

The other day I was surprised wen talking about Debian to a friend. Debian is represented (misrepresented perhaps) as using only stable versions. This make so every new version of Debian is very rare. While other distros can live more on the cutting edge of tech and include more modern versions of all software.

He said that this is low quality. And I suppose kind of make sense. Quality can also be a attribute of delivery. Good code now is much better than the perfect code 10 years from now and having to pay 20 million dollars. For most uses, we write and use good code, and the perfect code is beyond what everyone need.

Comment Anecdotal evidence (Score 1) 496

The Source engine is a evolution of the Quake engine, that was a OpenGL engine. So this is like "undoing" a port to OpenGL.

Actually disregard that.

Here we have just a few lines of text in a blog. Is just anecdotal evidente. Good news, but lets wait for more people to have similar experiences to consider if this can be anything else than a artifact/pure luck.

Comment Gnome is the best desktop. (Score 1) 535

I think Gnome is the best desktop, better than Windows 7 because the virtual desktops. Better than Unity because Unity is optimized for tablets. Better than OS/X because uses the windows standards, that are more natural for most people because are what know better.
Because lots of details like this, Gnome is the best desktop.

Just now desktops are tryiing the tablet thing, with Unity and Windows 8, but is a fad. Desktops are going to return to maximizing productivity, and then there will be some convergence, the more advanced a desktop will be, the more like Gnome will look. And perhaps this is the problem, Gnome is "done", theres not much else to do.

Comment Re:Slashdot incredibly tone deaf for posting this (Score 0) 263

Are you serius? because if you where serius, you would be saying that now weapons are banned in USA, but since people don't care, politicians don't care, and nobody is going to change anything, because nobody care enough about these deads to change some stupid law, and some absolutelly minor profit thing, people like these that have died will die again. And then, nobody will do anything about it. And them more people is doing to die. And Again. And Again. And nothing will change, because the tone deaf is not slashdot, is the culture of USA. Thank you, very much, I will laugh at whatever is fun, and life is a joke.

Comment Are we crazy or idiots? (Score 1) 312

Communications are private. This is one of the bases of democracy. If you lose that, and you spy on the citizens, then you are already inside the dictatorship style of society. You CAN'T do that, not even to stop a nuclear explosion to destroy a city or something massive like that. Is one of the pilars of our society, and the other options are worse. Plus, we choose to live in democracy, is our choose, nobody should overrule that and force a dictatorship on everyone.

Comment Internet Explorer is damaging internet (Score 2) 329

Internet Explorer only support 32 stylesheets, can't dinamically change the innerHTML of a TR row, don't register deletion of elements inside optgroup, don't apply the stylesheets of styles added dynamically and a hundred billion other bugs that shows is not a true DHTML browser. Its also a risk of virus and other malware infection. As a webmaster I think theres nothing worse than a whole genre of devices gimped to use IE, the "no-browser".

Comment Is not broken, don't fix. (Score 1) 144

I have write a lot of open source software. I am OSS supported as the next guy, and for OSS standards are very important.

But standards are not more important than progress. With the current system, browser creators can invent any fun stuff and add it on the next update this week. And it don't break anything. And theres nothing bad in that.

About webmaster using it, what is wrong is the level. Wen a JQuery extension or a CSS library (think... reset.css) use a extension, is Ok, because it abstract a problem, so the normal webmaster don't have to know or use all these -moz- -webkit- etc things. These things HELPS, helps so much that we can fix broken things on the web using then, like... making all browsers act the same way. And to do that, sometimes we need a library author, or a JQuery plugin author to put his hands on these extensions. Another similar thing is how you don't have localStorage of HTML5 support everywhere, but you can use it everywhere trought a library that uses something else in browsers that don't support it ( IE has something similar to localStorage from IE5, that is superugly but can be forced to provide the feature).

These extensions are GOOD, but should be reserved to be used by the library authors, not the general webmaster public.

This proposition is WRONG because sometimes you may want to support "opacity", but your programmers can't support exactly as speced, is better to have a --ie-opacity than have a opacity that work different than the standard. The browser extensions allow browsers to support things in a dirty/not complete mode, withouth breaking standards. This proposition is wrong.

Comment The reason (Score 1) 145

I don't have the bookmark here, but I followed the discussion ( I am on that mail list, and I am a huge fan of javascript ) is that with Lua, is possible to have "quotas". You can limit what LUA do in cpu and ram useage, while a javascript vm maybe will end stressing the server. This was the ultimate motive. This and that some features we easy to implement (where already implemented in the discussion). I think this mean that Javascript must add these things, and make easy for "language embeders" to control how much memory javascript take. I don't know how feasible is that.

Comment Game piracy software is not a issue (Score 3, Insightful) 424


The thing is... pirates are not your customers, are a pool of people that may or may not buy your stuff, but your market is the people that buy games. This is obvious for a lot of people now, and for some of then, is a way to make a lot of money. Valve is swimming of money because understand this. Ubisoft is full of retards that can't understand this.

Comment Yellow on the title, yellow inside (Score 1) 401

Videogames have not died. what has happened, is that nowdays much more people play videogames, and some of these people play things like FarmVille, that are more a addiction than a hobby. You still have a amazing rich variety of videogames, with styles from all eras and tastes. Even if you thing is Street Sweeper Simulators.

My problem is... if the title IS STUPID, sould I ignore the whole article? probably, if only to avoid feeding atention whores that must use alarmist and false claims in titles.

Comment Re:excuse me while I laugh hysterically (Score 2) 74

What iPad killer?

What GameStop seems to want, is to move his business to the digital world. Currently is a shop that sells box (that have a game inside), and want to sell bits... or more precisally, want to rent bits.

Do you want to play a Playstation 3 or Playstation 4 game in your tablet PC? GameStop want you to pay a flat flee of 10$ montly to play demos and some games. You will not own the games, you will be renting the games for a limited period.

This is like Blockbuster opening a service like Netflix. But for games.

Rule of cool: Playing a Playstation 4 game in a tablet pc will be cool. If the tech delivers.

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