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Comment Re:unaware? WTF? (Score 1) 196

I tend to think of it as an extra dimension in code. With non-parallel code, the code you have (it's sequence) is the same as what it's sequence would be when run. With parallel code, the run-time sequence is different than the code as it's laid out in source.

I see people have trouble with just async stuff (eg. AJAX) and have a hard time wrapping their mind around the fact that even though the callback function is in-sequence with the rest of the code, it's not actually called in that sequence - hence the 'callback'. Now, go full tilt with parallel code, and the heads start to spin since the code you're looking at can be run completely out of sequence of where it appears in the call graph.

The easiest time i've had with parallel programming was with erlang.

Comment Re:WHy are you majoring in CS... (Score 1) 606

I disagree with the assertion that CS is a field of math. This, after having gone through a BS that piloted a 'Formal Logic' approach to CS. We had to 'prove' program correctness using predicate calculus. Actual programming was just a thing we did to make sure we were grounded in, you know, stuff we'd actually end up doing after we graduated...

How much of the predicate logic, probability theory, markov chains and simulation did I end up using? close to 0. the one application I found for what I learned in simulation turns out to be too complex and not enough ROI for the business types to approve. they'd rather farm shit out to {insert some other country where labor is much much cheaper} to some code monkeys because it's cheaper and have them bang shit out in .Net/Java/HTML.

Hell, I've got the global head of IT demanding that we use MSSQL because MS has 'solved' the case of nested set (see joe celco's book) in a way that defies all mathamatical CS knowledge up to this point. (From the little that I know of MSSQL, they're using enumerated path as a special SQL data type, but the searching and the updating still takes time - but who the fuck am I to say that MS hasn't really 'solved' the fundamental problem beyond amortizing the costs elsewhere in other operations).

The point of my rant here is that CS in corporate America has little or nothing to do with Math. Learn the frameworks, learn the dev tools - and at the most 'mathy' end of things, learn data structures and the run times associated with the various operations on them and you're set.

P.S. I envy the bastards that have jobs that involves math - especially algorithms and fun with the big O.

Comment Re:kind of like the police (Score 1) 869

> Pasta, the stuff that spaghetti is made of is a human invention and did not exist a few thousand years ago

Humans didn't invent pasta - the FSM chose to reveal it to us a few thousand years ago. For that matter, how do you KNOW it was invented a few thousand years ago? FSM arranged for all records to say it was revealed to humans a few thousands years ago - it was, in fact, only revealed yesterday. You remember having spaghetti before then? It's just an illusion planted in your memory by the FSM to further bolster the illusion that it was "invented" by humans a few thousand years ago.


Comment Re:Japanese whispers (Score 1) 673

And when did Chernobyl become the bar for "holy shit! it's bad"? I guess until it's *exactly* equal to Chernobyl in *all* respects, it's "still good - nothing to see here, move along"!?!

When a boat sinks with 20 people, it's still a capsized boat. No Titanic - but still a tragedy. When an outbreak of some virus kills 20 people, it's no black plague - but it's still an outbreak. When millions of gallons of oil leaks out into the ocean, it may not be ixtoc, it's still a *big* problem. It's not a competition - it doesn't have to top the last worst shit of it's kind to qualify for a "holy shit" moniker.

Comment Re:Really learned a LOT from that one (Score 5, Insightful) 180

> if I had known you could specify more than one image for backgrounds, I would have figured this one out on my own

You may want to read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_of_Columbus

I have been doing layered images for over 4-5 years (multiple divs with backgrounds layered over one another) to come up with cool effects. But I would have never come up with this. I had been thinking about tiles and the non-random-ness for quite a while too. This didn't occur to me. Now that someone put this together - sure it's simple. But that's the genius of it.

My hats are off - simple, efficient, brilliant.

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