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Comment Re:erythritol VS xylitol (Score 2) 221

Brushing teeth after each meal might cause more damage to enamel and teeth than chewing xylitol gum or tablets that will stop the acid attack of the bacteria. Also you can take xylitol directly after the meal, but should wait 30+ mins before brushing, so it isn't very convenient to brush after every meal.

Comment Re:Dr. Mercola is a quack (Score 1) 221

This would be true if you ONLY ate aspartame. But people consume other things too, so it is possible for ingredient X which itself has no calories, to cause:
a) people to eat/crave for other foods that do have calories
b) think that they can eat more calorie rich foods because one thing they are eating doesn't have calories or is "diet" food
c) cause body to store more of the eaten calories as fat instead of burning them directly
d) canada

Comment But is it local only? (Score 2) 30

These things don't seem to fix the most important thing, the device was advertised as storing things only locally. At any point, no data should be leaving to the cloud from these devices. Only thing they should use external service, is to do NAT penetration/VPN tunnel, so you can access the device from you phone.

Comment Re:Wait a sec (Score 1) 51

Not quite, it is more like removing telnet from the default apps and requiring you to install said package manually. And distro not updating that package anymore. You can most likely use 3rd party repos, or in this case, compile your own kernel with said drivers enabled. And as long as you don't change the hardware you are using, those broken drivers should keep working for years.

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