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Comment Re:Is It Worth nVidia's Time? (Score 2, Insightful) 412

Well, Linux users might be multiplicators: Many of them are technology affine and therefore their family and friends might ask them for hardware recommendations. So if the Linux user only uses Intel or ATI (s)he'll hardly recommend nVidia cards to their family and friends, not? So probably nVidia managment needs to go back to business school and learn the maths.

Comment Keeping a low profile might have been the wrong (Score 1) 888

> I've generally tried to keep a low profile online and until recently there's been very little information about me available from the major search engines.

And that's exactly the mistake you made, probably. Instead of keeping low profile you probably should have filled the web with positive information. This would have had two effects:

- people finding your youth mistake could contrast it with more recent contributions
- your positive contributions would have pushed your youth mistake to page 100 or something in search engines

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