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Comment Re: The recent surge in record-breaking temperatur (Score 1) 91

The efficiency of an electric engine (>90%) far beats the efficiency of an ICE (~30%), so much so that even with electricity 100% from coal, over their lifetime (save an accidental premature death) EVs are more CO2 efficient than ICE vehicles. Also, they emmit less than half the micro particles as >90% of the braking is done with regeneration, not using the brakes.

That said, if you drive a 2.5 ton SUV, even electric, you pollute like hell. On a Fiat 500, or equivalent, things start to take a better turn.

Comment Re:Who fucking cares? (Score 1) 40

The worst thing is that even for alarm clock, it may not work. Let's say you have a alarm setup for 8AM every monday, inactive. If on tuesday you ask Siri "Hey, wake me up tomrrow morning at 8" it will activate your already existing alarm, oblivious to the fact that this alarm only rings on mondays.

If you trust Siri, you won't even wake up.

Comment Re:Welcome (Score 4, Interesting) 258

In rust, (much like in Java or C# to a lesser extent for that matter), the default is safe. If you want unsafe, you can. Therefore, most of what you will find in StackOverflow for example is safe. Also, static analysis tool that specifically look for "unsafe" is probable already going a long way to secure your codebase.

In C or C++, the default is that a buffer overflow is often akin to a security issue. Most of what you can find online needs to be carefully understood in order to avoid an insecure mess. Static analysis needs to be carefully crafted and maintained to meet lesser safetiness than Rust, C# or Java.

There are no absolutes though. You can have security issues with Java/Rust/C#. But most of the security issues that comes naturally with C and C++ are simply not there unless you specifically enable them. That makes a lot of difference.

Comment Re:Basically, we need to buy time. (Score 1) 130

But it'll take until 2060 before meaningful action starts, because humans only act after the disaster. It's a tendency baked in to how we operate and how we think.

I don't see that happening in 2060 or any time for that matter. We will burn all the gas, petrol and coal that is underground. All of it. I see no way to convince *everyone* that these riches should not be extracted and burned.

Comment Re: We are screwed. How hard ... (Score 3, Insightful) 130

Were not gonna take any real action until it impacts human life in some really big way. Until then its just a number on a spreadsheet.

We're not gonna take any real action, especially when it will impact us badly, since this is the moment we will need even more energy to do damage control.

I see no way to convince people to stop burning all the coal, gas and petrol they can get their hands on. It's akin to tell them "hey, here is all this money, but you will let it lay there and try to survive another way".

Will not happen.

Comment Re:Only now? (Score 1) 64

I have to take exception to your clam your concept that America and all americans are racist, I have to tell you that While the world sees all of us Americans as the worst sort of racists, while the rest of the world is a color blind melting pot where no one is judged by the color of their skin. Well, some people want to believe that, but it ain't so. And history shows that there is plenty of racism world wide.

Bad phrasing perhaps?

He said America has a bias. He said nothing about the rest of the world. Judging by your reply, you actually agree with him.

Bad reading perhaps?

Comment Re:Is nuclear waste disposal possible? (Score 1) 90

Would it be possible to use fusion to dispose of pre-existing nuclear waste?

Pre existing nuclear waste is buried and should stay buried. I see no compelling reason to dig it up as it poses no risk. It will accomplish nothing and would pose a hazard in case it is not handled properly or involved in some accident.

Comment Re:DEI can be part of the corruption too (Score 1) 132

Not quite. Boeing executive bonus criteria were changed from quality and safety based to DEI based.

No it wasn't. That's just your fever dream.

Are you familiar with the concept of projection? Where a person sees their behavior in others?

"... a proxy statement from Boeing filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Beginning in 2022, the aircraft manufacturer changed its incentive plan from giving executives bonuses based on passenger safety, employee safety, and quality to rewarding them if they hit climate and DEI targets, according to the filing."


So the problem is not about adding a DEI target but rather removing the safety and quality targets.

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