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Comment Re: Truckle up economics (Score 2) 277

each dollar was taxed when earned already

Try, but there generally isn't a big, giant pile of earned money that was already taxed. Stocks, property, companies, etc.(the things most rich people have) aren't taxed until SOLD. Dad buys a company for $1,000,000 in 1980. He dies in 2020. The inhereted company is now worth $40,000,000. No taxes have yet been paid on the $39,000,000 in gains.

Follow your own logic... The inherited company is just bits in a computer UNTIL SOLD. Then it will be taxed. Taxing the inheritance and then also tax the value when sold is double taxation.

Comment Automation (Score 1) 459

If automation is going to eliminate 73 million jobs then it's about time.

If all those people are doing stuff better (and cheaper) done by machines then it's a true waste of money keeping people in those positions.

Now the less intelligent will ask what those 73 million people are going to do, and the answer is quite obvious - service the machines of course. We know from previous rounds of automation that 1 job replaced will create 3 new jobs of a higher skilled type, and those 3 can do much more than just that one thing - because they're skilled jobs. This way we'll make much more use of the people and their skills than simply do stuff better done by machines.

Comment Re:human space flight expensive (Score 1) 184

One thing we know right now is that human space flight is just too expensive of a publicity stunt. We have seen time and again that our technology make robots far more effective for exploration of out local environment. Voyager has shown this.

But we NEED human space flight! - The warranty on this planet is about to expire and we need to be able to move on...

Comment Re:Bioweapons, not nuclear weapons (Score 1) 242

I've never believed that nuclear weapons pose an extinction-level threat to homo sapiens. Horrible yes, and the survivors might wish they were dead, but there would be survivors. Probably not much civilization, but we'd still be around.

Short of actually blowing the planet apart I doubt we could kill EVERYBODY using nuclear weapons even if we tried. There will always be survivors.

Comment Re:I do have an expectation of privacy (Score 3, Insightful) 102

The point is, I do have an expectation of privacy even on public streets and in public parks.

If you do, you're wrong. It's PUBLIC areas. It's all in that description.

Also, there's no difference of being 'recorded' into passer-bys memory and to be recorded by a camera. Your actions can be recalled and the only difference is that the camera doesn't lie or forget/misread/mix-up actions of different people into one (which happens quite often).

I actually prefer a camera so as to not be misidentified or similar.

Comment What is a human? (Score 1) 250

All three laws center on the concept of 'human' and 'humanity' but those terms are by no means self-evident.

Lots of beings belonging to homo sapiens have through the ages been defined as something besides 'human' - from slaves over certain ethnic groups to people with certain undesirable political views (and I'm sure I missed some). It still continues to this day where especially people from the extreme fringes (left, right, religious) consider the 'opponents' to be less than human or at least not deserving of 'human rights'.

In other words - it is far too easy to redefine 'human' to exclude some subgroup or to favor a certain subgroup so they would never work, just as Asimov pointed out in his books.

Comment Fight back (Score 1) 725

Am I the only one who thinks Richard should not have resigned any of his positions but instead have fought back, rallying supporters from across the world?

Putting up enough resistance would have caused a serious blow-back that would have forced both retractions and apologies. Sure, a few other people might lose their jobs alone the way but it would be worth it if we can stop this rampant persecution of white men in places of power. I feel we especially must get back at this Selam G person who single-handedly have destroyed a brilliant mans career using empty and false accusations alone.

Comment Losing the game (Score 1) 71

Facebook started losing the game when they began censoring the platform and removing/punishing nipples and what they deemed 'hate speech (expressing any fact or opinion not shared by Facebook management).

It's fine removing fake accounts and people harassing others, but censorship is a losing game and the slippery slope will cause more and more people to turn their backs on the platform, pushed by endlessly repeating privacy violations and similar.

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