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Comment Re:Yesterdays news. Today closed 15% higher. (Score 1) 119

The price went down because the stock fundamentally has low value. It went up today only because Trump fanboys are buying it. It's an artificial increase in price but the fundamental value of DJT is still low due to extremely low earnings. It is extremely unlikely that DJT will ever be a long term profitable company. Even penny stocks can be pumped up temporarily, but pumping up a stock doesn't increase the earnings.

Right now it's mostly a gamble, not as bad as an NFT, but the vast majority of "buy at any price" as those who are inspired by politics to make Trump look good, or to give Trump money to pay legal costs, etc. Politics is a terrible investment reason.

Comment Re: 20% survival is pretty good (Score 1) 56

I won't return in coin by calling you an idiot, because I don't think you are one. What I think you are is too *ignorant* to realize you're talking about evolution. "Survival of the fittest" is a phrase coined by Herbert Spencer in 1864 to refer to natural selection, a concept that's in the actual *title* of Darwin's book.

Comment Re:Support Palestinians! (Score 1) 494

Is that the best you've got? This is a legal case involving an Arab family living in a house purportedly owned by Jews and refusing to pay the rent. Whatever your stance on the legal issue, it's one house. Not a village. Not a neighborhood. Not a street. Just one house in East Jerusalem.


Nahalat Shimon is trying to seize the property under an Israeli law allowing Jews to reclaim properties that were Jewish before Israel was established in 1948. Jordan controlled the area between 1948 and the 1967 war.

So Palestinians can't return to properties they fled in 1948, but some long dormant title here suddenly takes precedence over the Palestinian ownership.

I'm not sure what the debate seems to be about, it seems very hard to justify building settlements in someone else's territory.

I have issues with this claim.
First, why do you consider any territory as belonging to the Palestinians? They were offered land in the UN Partition Plan of 1947. Once they refused this and started a war for the land they basically conceded that the fate of the land would be determined by the outcome of the war. The outcome is that they lost, therefore it is not their land and it's not theirs to determine who can build what and where.

So right of conquest?

It seems like you don't have much cause to complain about Hamas attacking Israel or is only one side allowed to win land in a war (btw, no one is).

This is going no where. I encourage you to imagine the narrative from the Palestinian side, I don't think your arguments are as compelling as you think they are.

Comment Re:Mistake in summary (Score 1) 103

Emphasis on "if you are extremely wealthy" I don't know why people favor those people so much, especially when they're cheating on taxes. Average people don't have two homes, a normal taxpayer who moved out of New York who files the taxes citing 60 days in New York, 305 days in Vermont isn't getting fined. A normal taxpayer who forgets this is most likely not getting audited either unless there are egregious red flags (still getting paid by New York, New York address still listed on W2 forms, still paid property taxes, but no state tax forms filed).

Being audited also is not a disaster, if you didn't cheat. If you did cheat, the vast majority of the time you just pay what is actually owed plus a penalty, and it goes no further than that.

Comment Re:Just a sign of what's coming (Score 1) 103

Lots of the very wealthy cheat. A lot. We even have a former commander-in-cheat. The richer you are, the easier it is to not pay taxes; tax havens, more loop holes, and definitely more opportunity to cheat compared to someone who only has a W2. So falsely declaring that you live out of state is an easy cheat, unavailable to most people; hiding money in shell corporations isn't easy for the average salary worker.

I had a former boss who once suggested that if one is rich and pays any taxes at all then one needs to get a better accountant.

The other big factor here is that a billionaire that cheats and gets audited and found to owe more than claimed is a far bigger result than going after your gardener who didn't declare income that you paid in person with paper money. Remember, the rich legislators in their wisdom rejected the budget request to get more auditors in order to increase overall revenue. And the voters who elected those rich legislators agreed with this because we're all taught from an early age that we might all become one of the super wealthy someday, and that taxes are satanic and auditors are demons in disguise.

Comment Re:4th Amendment. (Score 1) 103

Targeted doesn't mean guilty. If people are cheating on their taxes, then they are *stealing* from all the other taxpayers. If you're worried about being audited then why? Are you cheating as well, and are scared that a crackdown will affect you? It's like being worried that there's a crackdown on the big drug dealers because you're afraid they'll find your dime bag in the bottom drawer?

Comment Re:Oh no! (Score 1) 103

Possibly, part of the reason why I pay more taxes after the Trump tax cuts - the really wealthy (over then million a year) probably ended up paying less, the poor paid less, but the upper middle class lost a bit. Ie, can no longer deduct much state tax paid from federal tax. There are people who honestly think that if you deduct instead taking standard deduction that you're too rich and fuck the elites. Or because that deduction hurt more in California and New York, their response is still "fuck you". It is ironic though that despite all the hate for the rich elites that they vote for the most elite and corrupt of them all, and give them tax cuts.

Comment Re:I like hybrid environments (Score 1) 148

Lots of places require a workplace. Lab work, soldering stations, anything with equipment that needs to be shared, etc.

But beyond that, I think some get the work-from-home wrong, it's too easy to fall into the trap that home equals work. Thus the mistaken belief that you must work more than 40 hours a week, which when working from home can easily turn into a 24/7 job. Keeping work and home separated is a very good thing, when at work do work, when at home do not do work. Don't let shit from work life ruin your home life. So the advice we got from a team that had already spent a lot of time working from home remotely, was to ensure you have a firm divide between the two; make sure the end of the work day is the actual end, make sure you do stuff for your self, make sure you close the laptop and stop checking it for messages, keep work computer and home computer in different places, and so forth.

Of course, the covid sutdown was so sudden that most people never really got a chance to set up the home just right for this, possibly ending up with home and work on the same desk, or not enough space for both spouses and so one was always on the sofa etc.

Comment Re:Support Palestinians! (Score 1) 494

More lies. The annexation of East Jerusalem did not result in any of its Arab population being forcefully evicted and/or replaced with Jewish homes.

This sounds close.

You are constantly accusing me of pedantry, so let me explain.

"Israel occasionally destroys Palestinian homes" - True fact! Stating this is legitimate criticism of Israel's policies. Some could justify it, others will not. It's called debate. There is an article on Wikipedia detailing where and why Israel does this with arguments for and against.
"Israel constructs settlements" - True fact! Again, legitimate and debatable criticism.

I'm not sure what the debate seems to be about, it seems very hard to justify building settlements in someone else's territory.

"They do it every time. Destroy what the Palestinians built, replace them with Israeli settlers" - Twisting the truth around into a hateful narrative that ends up fueling hatred for Jews worldwide, ending up with people getting hurt - even though Israel does not do this, and your examples fail to convince me. None of your examples are anything near the wholesale systematic population replacement you are accusing Israel of.
Do you see the difference here? Do you still think I'm being pedantic?

So your claim is that Palestinians being expelled, officially and unofficially, from their homes and villages as the nearby Israeli Settlements expand isn't systematic? How is it anything other than "we have more guns and will take what we want"?

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 1) 57

Right, let it search the web. But the topic's title is "Will Be On-Device Preserving Privacy, and Not Server-Side". The strong implication is that your queries never go out to search engines. What they really mean is some language processing will be local, but will go to the internet, as the article actually states. Which means that the phrase "Preserving Privacy" is wrong. There's a lot of hand waving to mislead here; AI will be on chip, but the AI will be highly limited, mostly improving the sad state of Siri. Ie, you can ask it to find your local pictures or docs and it will find them fast, even with a voice search. But ask it something that isn't known locally then it will go to the internet and the privacy goes out the window.

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 2) 57

AI acceleration is just preliminary work, there is actual data that needs to be searched if there's a query. There will be local processing, but then the queries will be remote. You can't even stick the dumb non-AI version of Google on your phone. Anything practical beyond image cleanup or voice/face recognition has to go out to bigger servers. Massive amounts of data go into the training sets; it gets distilled down somewhat, but not nearly small enough to fit on today's phones. Maybe it stores answers to common stuff locally (Grammarly style cleanup of your docs, etc), but it won't have all the stuff people will ask about, and those questions will inevitably go out to the internet.

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