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Comment Re:Or... (Score 1) 248

Actually dealing with upper management is more productive, it "cuts to the chase".
It's the moment you show what's wrong, how to resolve it and what tools and resources you need. Yes? or No?
It's how consultants work tbh.

Middle managers are there to always say Yes or always say No. Never open to anything because they are busy covering their ass.

Comment Trend is for higher temps (Score 1) 96

It might be getting worse every year if the planet temperature keeps trending higher and higher.
I see sourcing some kind of home batteries to help run AC and refrigerators, charged by solar energy.
And going very early to work or school and stay indoors during the day until 5 or 6 pm

I see it as an emergency that needs to be handled now

Comment Re:Reasonable Expectations (Score 1) 170

How far would a satellite need to be from the sun to take advantage of the sun's gravitational lens?

"To take advantage of the Sun's gravitational lensing effect, a satellite would need to be positioned at a specific distance from the Sun. This distance is known as the "Einstein radius" or the "Einstein ring radius."

The Einstein radius is the distance from the lensing object (in this case, the Sun) at which the gravitational lensing effect creates a complete ring or circular image of a background object. For the Sun, the Einstein radius is approximately 550 astronomical units (AU), where 1 AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun (about 150 million kilometers or 93 million miles)."

Comment Re:Reasonable Expectations (Score 1) 170

After clarifying distances and speed with ChatGPT (it understood 1% as 100% initially):
"Apologies for the confusion. Let's recalculate the time it would take to reach Alpha Centauri with a speed of 1% of the speed of light. Using the same distance of approximately 4.13 × 10^13 kilometers to Alpha Centauri, and a velocity of 1% of the speed of light:
Velocity = 1% * 299,792 km/s
Velocity = 0.01 * 299,792 km/s
Velocity = 2,997.92 km/s

Now we can calculate the time it would take to travel this distance:
Time = Distance / Velocity
Time = (4.13 × 10^13 km) / (2,997.92 km/s)
Time 1.376 × 10^10 seconds

Converting this time into years:
Time (1.376 × 10^10 seconds) / (3.15 × 10^7 seconds per year)
Time 436.5 years

Therefore, if you were to travel at 1% of the speed of light, it would take approximately 436.5 years to reach Alpha Centauri from our solar system. Please note that this calculation assumes a constant velocity and does not account for time dilation effects or the technological challenges associated with reaching such high speeds."

So, around 400 years to send the probes, but only 4.3 years to get the data back.

Comment Reasonable Expectations (Score 1) 170

Well, lets just say that if there is at least one other civilization in our galaxy, it will be equally advanced like us or considerably more advanced. If they are 10 thousand, 100 thousand or 1 million years more advanced they could easily manage to source energy more easily (efficiently), make better sensors and space probes.

I think they would see the benefit of investing time in sending probes to reach those great candidate planets and after 60 or 100 years they would get back some valuable information.

It wouldn't be impossible for them to build a gravitational lens telescope with their own sun and clearly visualize our blue and white atmosphere.

In the worst scenario, they would be writing us up as their second home. Or just waiting for us to mature and join the club of advanced civilizations.

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