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Comment Re:Not sure this make sense (Score 4, Insightful) 116

What is it that you want them to do? Barge into company offices and demand they "fix" their infrastructure? Bring court cases against companies under what law precisely?

Any "fix", seeing as companies and industries won't do it themselves, requires Congress acting. With this lot in Congress, there's no chance of that happening and even if they did, it would necessarily be high level. Even if they outlawed naughty company behavior of not securing their infrastructure, we do not have CyberCorps, able ferret out company infrastructure naughyness. We would have to wait until a company got nailed first before bringing them to court, and then spend the next 5 years litigating if it was a large company.

Comment Re:Cancelled? (Score 1) 123

They can always air "The New Beverly Hillbillies", watch as Jed and the Clan terrorize their neighbors in Beverly Hills, Jed does the L.A. porn stars (a new one every week), Jethro flummoxes the local pols with insightful logic, Grannie goes on a shooting rampage every Fri. night, and Ellie steals the neighbor pets for her new petting zoo. There will be plenty of shots of Ellie in the cement pond in a skimpy bathing suit luring old men in for "a swim". It will be a MAGA Wet Dream.

Comment Re:Our substitute for meaningful privacy legislati (Score 0) 54

That's been the R's playbook ever since Reagan, i.e., knacker the Fed. Gov. and then whine incessantly about how the Fed. Gov. is not working, and then campaign on how the R's are doing it for "the American People". That they do not give a flying rat's ass about "the American People" shows up in how they allowed companies to screw "the American People" and then pass that off as "cutting regulations" to improve "the Economy". The lack of regulation is companies' kickback for supporting these bozos in the next election.

Comment Re:Take names (Score -1) 507

Google is one of the companies that built the tools that allow propaganda to be made much more efficiently, funny its own employees fell for it hook line and sinker.

In the age when males are beating females in sports by pretending to be females the structural inability to tell the truth, to provide negative feedback is not only hurting female sports. Musk will never land a star ship on the Moon or Mars or anything because he is a sharlatan and he hires former government officials who signed government checks, he is burning through billions of tax money with every flight, all of these star ship flights are pointless. Gaza residents and Hamas operatives not only indistinguishable, they share the same values. People protesting pro terrorism (against Israel) are wrong for the same reasons this male athlete is participating in female sports. USA denying help to Ukraine is literally murdering thousands of Ukrainians and promoting putinism, which is terrorism. USA federal reserve has created the inflation by monetizing government debt and so the economy is dying. The planet is going to become extremely hostile to people because we are still burning coal, oil and gas for power and heat production instead of building more nuclear power plants. There are more and more lies all over.

These Googlers are a sad reflection of the modern approach to reality - our game is ignorance, lies and denial and these protests are just a form of it.

Comment Re:Hamas Fanboys (Score -1) 507

Terrorists are very good at pushing their messages, this is clear today. ruZia, hamas, Iran, north korea even, apparently they are very effective at this entire psyops thing. Israel needs to eliminate the threat, AFAIC this can entirely mean whiping out the entire Gaza population also I hope they take out Iran's rocket and drone manufacturing capabilities, this would help both, Israel and Ukraine.

Comment Re:Duh.... (Score 2) 196

People are barely scraping by....that is the result

In the above mentioned Netherlands I have never seen a middle class couple (I am in STEM) that continues to work full time once they have kids. Usually both switch to 4-day week (shifted), so the kids are without them for 3 days per week.

All in all, it is a poor system that deprives children from the irreplaceable personal contact with parents, particularity in the first 10-12 years.
This blind robbery is being justified by "female empowerment". As if the whole system gives you a simple binary choice an nothing in between!

So, don't be so smug in asking which century people live in, because all you have to show for it is destroyed generations of people who grew without parents even when they were actually there. Sacrificing children for money and ideology, that is all you have to show, friend.

Comment Re:pardon? (Score 2, Insightful) 146

So what that he encouraged or developed something, he is not the person who had actual access to this information, he never worked for any agency in USA where he would have to promise not to disclose information, to him (or anyone who doesn't work for such agencies) status of any 'secret' information is completely irrelevant, as it should be.

For example, if I egged on some general to disclose top secret information about some project and then he did disclose it, it would be on the general, not on me or anyone who encouraged him. HE IS THE ONE WHO PROMISED NOT TO DISCLOSE IT NO MATTER WHAT, not me, not anyone else.

I am not a 'right wing', I am not a 'left wing', I am a libertarian, anarcho capitalist, it puts me completely outside of what is considered to be normal politics in the USA by the way and I say that Assange has done nothing wrong at all and he is being terrorized because he embarrassed people who have power.

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