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Comment Re:Someone still uses (Score 1) 6

Me too, have been using the service since 2006, one of my players can no longer scrobble, but most of my music stats go there, and from time to time (more time between than I like, I must admit) I go there to find new "old stuff" (my taste is basically old bands/artist, rarely I like recent ones) and I've found great things that most people I know never heard off.

in my case, my unnecessary fan fact is 145k scrobbles since 2006.

Comment Re:Cue the outrage in 3, 2, 1 (Score 2) 49

Well, as far as I know most men would be ok with receiving unsolicited nudes from strangers or people they know (given it is the sex they are attracted to sending it), SPECIALLY in a app used for dating where if you get a match it means both feel attracted to each other somehow.
Women on the other hand seem to generally not like to see nudes unless they ask for it or if the conversation induces it (which can be complicated to be sure given how difficult, specially for most men, to know the actual intentions in a conversion sometimes, but that is another subject), so they are generally put off by receiving this kind of content.

I think there is a big disconnection in behavior and people generally do to others what they would like to be done to them, instead of thinking what the other would like to be done to them, in this case a lot of men would like to exchange nudes almost immediately, so it is what they do, thinking that would get the other party just as excited as it would made them.
I really would like to know how this behavior is on same sex dating apps, if it is generally accepted nudes in the first messages or if there is more conversion before closes came off and flashes come in?

Comment Re:What about me? (Score 1) 19

from what I understood you will have the option to charge for the video or series of videos, much like udemy, wondrium, etc., this will probably give you a much higher revenue (and for youtube also, as they get a big cut from it).
They are basically doing the youtube premium just for educators, with some bells and whistles.
and it took them long enough, there are so many other sites dedicated to this, is kind of a lost opportunity to not have started doing this years ago

Comment one of google's biggest mistakes (Score 1) 35

Google had a great product with Gtalk, a lot of tech savvy people used it back in the day but suddenly they decided to kill it and replace with hangouts, which I can only assume was a decision done by a middle manager that wanted to push the product they were supervising to get notoriety inside the company with no second thought on what could happen to the current user base, there was no dedicated hangouts app for the desktop (the gtalk one was really simple and useful), the phone app was crap and people just left gtalk to whatsapp and telegram because they were much better. Later they've tried to force hangout again with other google products but people just hated it in the beginning and didn't want to use it again, even though it got much better (although still worse than a lot of the alternatives), then it happen again when they did the duo piece of crap and just nailed the coffin on messaging apps run by google.

Comment price gouging disguised as envrionmentaly friendly (Score 1) 170

If apple used USB as all other manufacturers or sold their charger at a reasonable price I would be ok with it, basically everyone has a bunch of charges laying around and e-waste is a concern, but they do it because they can charge an absurd amount for the chargers and their fanatic costumers will buy happily, it is just another way of increasing their margins disguised as good intentions

Comment USA is weird (Score 1) 78

I understand a paid tax software companies, specially big ones, because of the complexity, but why the hell the government doesn't have a free software for tax filling for individuals? In Brazil where I live the IRS equivalent has a piece of software for, I think, over 20 years freely available that allows anyone to properly file their taxes and is compatible with all platforms, windows, linux, mac and even solaris (at least in the past, don't know if solaris is still supported), it also has a simplified version for iOS and Android and now you can even do it directly on the browser with pre-filled forms with the data they already gathered from business.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 85

I don't know about a slashdot editor but I'd bet my first child that someone has a big short position on them and is feeding hit peaces on the company for a quit buck.
Not defending peloton here, any company that wants to lock down a hardware that someone already bought unless they pay a subscription can go f*ck themselves, but that there is a smear campaign is undeniable.

Comment Re:Not surprised at all. (Score 1) 28

I really don't understand the logic of these companies, basically they want to change the order because of advertising (never forget, users are the product, advertisers are the client for them) but why don't let people see in the order they want and interweave the advertising in the order the company sees as the most relevant to them? Why force a stupid sorting that hides... oooh and there we have it, they want to hide some messages to force some accounts to pay them to promote such messages, that's why they want to change the order that 90% of their user base prefers

Comment Re:Research into new antibiotics (Score 1) 101

Maybe is in the place you live, unfortunately where I live is very common for medics to give people antibiotics for things they know it won't help just because people will complain they are leaving empty handed from a consultation, they prescribe almost as a placebo, which is very irresponsible of their part, but most justify as being tired and jaded, so don't care that much.

Comment Re:Research into new antibiotics (Score 1) 101

I'm not concerned about "big pharma", but were they are putting their money NOW is the concern, from what I've read there is no or little money on antibiotics.
And about the goat paste (wasn't horse mainly!?), this is medicine that has been around for ages, that these big companies will happily continue producing because they've already recouped development costs long ago and depending on how they keep tweaking the formula can milk that cash cow for decades more. My point is about the development of new ones.

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