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Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

There is no misinterpretation. The video link, for the umpteenth time:

What else will you allow politicians to say and then allow them completely off the hook? The reporting is the reporting. His words are there. If he clarifies or backpedals later, do not shoot the messenger who gave the first reports.

You are shooting the messenger who reported his initial words. That's a well-known Republican tactic that has been used over and over again this political season. By contrast, Democrats will clarify or backpedal but they will rarely if ever say the initial reports were biased, and evidence that the whole world is against them.

We should probably bring in more context at this point. Marco Rubio says the mainstream media is the biggest SuperPAC in the world for the Democrats. That is so absurd, but it got so many cheers in the last debate. Does that lend any extra context to what you are doing here?

To summarize: the initial reports were not inaccurate by any means. The video link is there. Republicans blame the media to get away with all manner of bullshit, and you are both apparently ignorant of the tactic, and an enabler by promoting a bullshit counter-narrative to Trump's database of Muslims.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

You posted the following question:

"Who said anything about media persecution?"

I answered it thusly: "The thread you are posting in is titled, 'Liberal misinformation.'"

There is an answer to your question buried in there somewhere. I get that you apparently do not like the fact that you are feeding a well-defined Republican persecution complex, but you asked a question (see the quote), and then I answered it (see my quote below it).

Was that answer not sufficient? Do you not yet know, "who said anything about media persecution"? Either way, I would also like to invite you to look literally anywhere else in this /. posting. Every other post is complaining about the reporting. Trump said what he said, do not try to shoot the messenger. Republicans would absolutely love to get away with all their bullshit with that simple out.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

The thread you are posting in is titled, "Liberal misinformation." Did you somehow miss that part? That would, once again, show a deficiency in reading comprehension consistent with my assessment that you cannot follow a multifaceted conversation, and thus are vulnerable to the media persecution ruse.

The media persecution ruse indicated, once again, in this "liberal misinformation" thread in which you are currently participating.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

I never said he was either a stooge or a super genius. This may be the first conversation you have participated in because you clearly can't tell what is actually being said, you're whaling away at some imagined argument.

I will link the video for you again, because you are talking about a transcript, despite the fact that a primary source is right there at your fingertips:

You keep it up, though. Enough people are willing to pretend they have all the facts themselves, and the mainstream media is just out to get Republicans. I do not think I am winning over many people, but it should be clear to anybody reading this conversation, who has any experience with critical thinking, that you are not following it correctly.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

I'm talking about YOU. Again, it seems more clear now than ever that you buy the media persecution ruse because you're not able to follow a conversation with any meaningful depth.

If you are drunk, I can understand. In fact, I would prefer to hear that you are under the influence of something right now. It would explain a lot.

Comment Re: MySQL, postgres, SqlServer, or Oracle? (Score 1) 608

"Do not believe this vicious attack by the mainstream media, even though they have clear video evidence. I was talking about systemvinit when the words 'Trump' and 'all' were spoken by somebody, I don't know who. Penguins really like me, I am popular with many different Peanuts characters. We need a firewalld. #Trump2016"

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

Okay, watch the video link, and try to note what was actually said (the words that were actually spoken):

The story is being reported correctly. He said what he said, there is no need for a conspiracy theory.

If you are willing to believe the never-ending Republican refrain that they are being persecuted by the mainstream media, then you're simply willing to look past what they actually say, on camera, an example of which is right there in the link. That will help them. It's a dullard's belief system. It lets them off the hook for saying very stupid shit.

So you are in their camp for that, but Trump also gets points for tossing some flesh to their extremely bigoted base. I never once said this was bad for Trump. He'll get a boost from this for all the wrong reasons, of which you are one very, very dismissive, dissembling example.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

Because you, like Trump, were formulating your responses in the context of the following question:

Hillyard: Should there be a database or system that tracks Muslims in this country?

Tracking people of a specific religion is something Hitler would do. I am starting to think that the reason so many people fall for the Republican's media persecution ruse is that you're really just a little too stupid to follow what's going on in a conversation.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

Video link, again:

You apparently want to defend what Trump said by saying it's spin now, not whether his words are being reported correctly. It doesn't matter whether it's spin or not, he said what he said, and it's being reported accurately.

Trump will gain significant ground if he can spin this both as red meat for the bigots, and media persecution for the mentally unkempt.

You are in the latter, good for you.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

"Only seeing what you want to see is a very annoying human ability."

Which you demonstrated quite adequately. The video link is up there. Trump was talking about entering Muslims into a database, going to mosques, or different places.

Remain skeptical. Always. Including when you have to dismiss a Rush Limbaugh talking point because you acquired the information available in a simple video link, which, from your description of the events, it's not clear that you have even watched.

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

Visas and foreign nationals were not even mentioned, and you completely left out the very next part where he was asked, "Do you go to mosques and sign people up?", and he says, "different places..."

That's one hilarious bit of spin you've got there. Can you see the back of your own teeth up there?

Comment Re:Liberal misinformation (Score 1) 608

"There should be a lot of systems. Beyond databases. I mean, we should have a lot of systems." - Donald Trump
"Different places. You sign ’em up at different..." - Donald Trump

That takes out the context of the questions, but the context makes it more clear, we're talking about database. I don't doubt that he wants to backpedal now and cry loudly about media persecution, but that doesn't mean you can dismiss the way this is being reported. He said what he said.

Again, the video link:

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